Chapter 12- Her Phoenix

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It was the end of the day on Friday and everyone was going home for the weekend. The halls were filled with  the shouts of the celebrating students. The crowd dispersed into the front courtyard. The girls decided to go to the  nearby amusement park tomorrow, since their last get-together was interrupted. 

Sunset took out her phone as she closed her locker door. A text from Flash had read:

Come to my house around 8. I got us tickets to see a movie.

What movie?

I'm not telling. Just be here by 8. 

Sunset rolled her eyes and put her phone into her back pocket. She got into her car and started the drive to her apartment. 


Sunset arrived at her apartment. She opened the door and saw Shadow clawing at the carpet. Sunset picked her up and went to the kitchen. She put Shadow on a counter and grabbed a bag of popcorn from one of the cabinets. She put the bag into the microwave and went to go grab a bowl. Once the 'popping' had started, Sunset saw that Shadow was visibly frightened. Sunset picked her up off the counter and placed her on the ground. Shadow immediately ran away to the living room. Sunset went back to the microwave and took the bag of popcorn out, dumping in into the bowl. She hurried back into her living room where Shadow was lying on the couch. 


**Sunset's P.O.V.**

I check my phone to see it was almost time to head to Flash's. I reluctantly get off the couch and go to my room to get ready. I go into my closet and look for an outfit. I knew that it would probably be a very casual date. I grabbed a pair of black leggings and oversized t-shirt. I went to the bathroom, changed my outfit, and tied my hair up into a high ponytail. Shadow came up to me and started to circle my legs. She is probably hungry. I quickly wash my face, removing the remnants of my makeup. Shadow follows me as I head back to the kitchen. I grab some of her cat food and put it into her bowl. She starts to eat, ignoring my presence. I get my keys and phone. 

"Shadow, I'm going over to Flash's house. I know you probably can't understand me, but I still wanted to tell you nonetheless," I say aloud. Shadow picks her head out of her bowl and looks at at me. It looks as if she nodded her head.

 I guess she does understand me.

"I'll be back soon. I promise I'll spend more time with you this weekend," I said as I opened the door. I go out and close the door behind me. I check the time; it's 7:50 PM. I jog to my car, knowing that I'll probably be a little late. Oh well; Flash can deal with me being late for once.


I arrive at Flash's house. I park in his driveway when I notice that his parent's cars aren't there. I got out of my car and went to his front door. Before I could even ring the doorbell, the door swung open. Flash grabbed my waist and pulled me inside. He closed the door and pressed his lips against mine. I pushed against his chest, but he just held onto me tighter, smiling against my lips. I pushed him a little harder, but he didn't look like he was going to let go anytime soon.

So I poked him in the stomach.

Surprised, he bent over a little, letting go of me. I took my chance and ran away. 

"Where do you think you're going?" He yelled, starting to run after me. "Did you forget that this is my house? You have nowhere to go."

I hopped over a couch and rounded a corner, yelling back, "That's what you think. I know your house inside and out too."

Her Phoenix- My Little Pony FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now