Chapter 13- Her Phoenix

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Hey y'all. Sorry I haven't uploaded in a very long time. I've been really busy. Anyway here is a new chapter. The song above is referenced in the chapter so I would recommend listening to it after reading. In other news, we got less than a month till the MLP movie release. WHO GONNA GET TURNT AT THE MIDNIGHT SHOW WITH ME???!!! I'm very excited, as you can tell. I hope you enjoy the chapter!


It was Saturday morning and the girls were going to visit a nearby amusement park. Sunset decided to just spend some time with Shadow until she had to leave. Shadow had already eaten and Sunset was ready and changed. 

"Hey Shadow. How about you and I go to the park? Just so you can get some fresh air," Sunset proposed. 

Shadow looked at her and seemed to approve of the idea. 

"Ok well, we can leave right now if you would like,"

Shadow headed towards the door. Sunset went to her hallway mirror to check her outfit one last time; workout leggings, a flowy top, and a pair of converse. She grabbed her keys, wristlet, and phone. She opened the door and followed Shadow out. 


They got to the park in just a few minutes of walking. Sunset looked around the park to see that it wasn't super crowded. A few people and families were scattered around the area, but there were still quite a few open spots. Sunset spotted an open space around a large oak tree. She headed toward the spot, Shadow following close behind. Sunset sat herself down at the edge of the tree's shadow so she could still feel the sunlight on her. Shadow went to the trunk of the tree and laid down in the shade. The park's atmosphere was very peaceful, leaving Sunset relaxed. The warmth of the sun's rays warmed her back and the light breeze blew through her hair. She pulled her earbuds out of her pocket and plugged them into her phone. She shuffled through her playlist and started to quietly hum to the song that was playing: Control by Halsey. Her humming soon turned to softly singing.

"I sat alone, in bed till the morning,

I'm crying 'They're coming for me,'

And I tried to hold these secrets inside of me"

"My mind's like a deadly disease." Another voice sang the last line of the verse.

Sunset looked around to see who was singing with her. A tall figure came up from behind the tree. Shadow got up and ran to Sunset, spooked by the stranger. She hopped into Sunset's lap. The figure took a step toward Sunset, but there was still quite a bit of distance between the two. Sunset could now see the figure's features. He had wavy black hair, short in the back and long in the front, that fell in front of his face and his gray eyes were dull and bright at the same time. He had an angular face and a pretty fit physique. 

"Hey there," the stranger greeted.

"Hi?" Sunset asked, confused. She couldn't remember if she had met this man before. His face seemed familiar, but Sunset was pretty sure that they didn't know each other. 

"We haven't met before so you don't know me," the stranger stated.

"Oh ok good. For a second there I thought that my memory had gotten even worse," Sunset joked.

The stranger genuinely chuckled.

He sat down in front of Sunset. 

" Are you going to introduce yourself or am I going to have to awkwardly try to make conversation while trying to avoid using your name because I don't know it?" Sunset asked. jokingly.

The stranger let out another small laugh.

"My name is Stone," he said, holding his hand out.

"I'm Sunset," Sunset said, shaking his hand firmly. Even the handshake felt sort of familiar. 

"Nice to meet you,"  Stone casually said. 

"Same to you." 

Sunset could feel the awkward small talk approaching them. 

"So how old are you?" Sunset asked.

"Just turned 18," Stone replied.

"Nice. When was your birthday?" Sunset questioned

"It was last thursday,"

"Well happy belated birthday then," Sunset said with a small smile.

"Thanks. And how old are you?" Stone returned the question.

"I'm 16," Sunset responded.

"Junior?" Stoned asked.

"Yeah. And Ima say you're a senior?" Sunset said aloud. Stone nodded. "You excited for prom season?" 

"Eh not really," He said, lowering his voice.

"Why is that? That is, if you don't me asking," Sunset asked, curiously. Almost all the seniors she knew were super excited for prom. 

"My now ex-girlfriend and I broke up a couple weeks back..." Stone started. He looked at Sunset, who was clearly interested in his story. "I found her-um well- making out with my best friend."

"Oh. I'm sorry Stone. That's really sucky. But if it makes you feel better, you seem like a really nice guy. Anyone would be lucky to have you," Sunset comforted.

"Thanks Sunset. I'm taking a break from the dating scene though. You know, just to spend some more time on myself and what makes me happy," Stone said looking off in the distance. 

"That's actually really smart," Sunset whispered.

A "Hmm" came from Stone. "What about you? Are you dating anyone?" Stone asked.

"Yeah, my boyfriend, Flash." Sunset smiled at the thought of Flash. 

"That's cool." Stone spoke. 

They continued to talk about their personal lives. They spoke about their personal lives, friends, and other relationships. It felt good to just talk to a near stranger who you knew wouldn't judge you. Sunset even felt comfortable enough to talk to Stone about some of her backstory. The two talked for another half hour before it was time for Sunset to leave. Sunset stood up with Shadow in her arms. She collected her things and said to Stone, " Well, it's time for me to head home. I got to meet my friends."

Stone stood up as well. "Of course. It was really nice meeting you Sunset,"

"The same to you Stone," Sunset started. "See you later." 

Sunset had only walked for a couple minutes when she heard "Wait!" coming from behind her. 

Stone ran to catch up with her. His long legs made running the distance a little bit easier. He finally got to Sunset and he said, "Hey can we exchange numbers? Just so we can maybe talk in the future."

Sunset hesitated with her answer. She didn't know if Stone was going to want to push their relationship past a friendship. But then again, he said he was talking a break from dating...

"Sure," Sunset said. She opened her phone to the contact book and handed him her phone. He did the same. They both typed in their number and handed the phones back. 

"Thanks. Well, hopefully talk to you soon." And with that Stone ran off. 

Sunset turned back and started to head for her apartment. Shadow now wanted to be put down, so Sunset let her walk on her own. Sunset looked down at her new contact.

Stone Shores...

Still sounds familiar...


Anyone make the connection of who's Stone? If not, then you will find out soon.

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