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    As soon as he thought that it was as if he jinxed it. A boy came around the corner just as they were and ran right into Marinette. He looked to be about 2 years older than all of them, considering he was maybe a foot taller than Marinette. He had navy blue hair, even darker than Marinette's. She and the boy fell to the ground, and the young man helped her up while she dusted herself off.

"I am so sorry. I'm always clumsy. Please forgive me," he said while laughing nervously.

"Oh. It's fine. If anyone knows about clumsiness it's me," Marinette said, giggling.

"You can say that again," Alya mumbled under her breath.

"What was that?" Marinette whipped around and glared at Alya.

"Wait," the boy started, his dazzling blue eyes sparkling in recognition, "you're Marinette, right? I go to the same school. I remember you because you're the one who won the Derby Hat Contest." He flashed a stunning bright smile at Marinette. "I'm Greyson, but you can call me Grey." Grey reached out his hand to Marinette. She shook it.

"I'm Marinette, as you already know," she said while blushing. "And this is Alya, Nino, and Adrien, my best friends." She gestured around her.

Grey looked at each of them in turn, giving a polite nod to each person. But he stopped on Adrien when he noticed that the boy was staring hard at him. Grey smiled.

"You're the Agreste's kid, right?"

"Yes," he said, keeping his answers short.

"I thought so. I've seen you on some magazines before."

His eyes stayed a moment longer on Adrien, then fixed his gaze back on Marinette.

"Well, since I'm a senior and you're what, sophomores?" he guessed.

"Right." Marinette nodded.

"Then I guess I'll see you guys tomorrow during passing periods. Is that okay?" Grey asked.

"That's fine with me," Marinette said, smiling even bigger. "Maybe we could hang out after school, too."

"Sounds fun." He winked at her. "See you guys later." And with that, he was gone.

Marinette and Alya walked a little bit ahead of the boys so they could talk together alone.

"Omg girl, he totally likes you!" Alya shrieked.

"No he doesn't. He was just being nice since I bumped into him." Even though she said it, she kind of hoped what Alya said was true. Thinking this, heat rushed to her face and she turned red as a tomato.

"You know he does! Eeee! I need a ship name now. What should it be? So.. Marinette and Greyson. Marison? Ew. No. Greynette? Oh my goodness: it's perfect!!" Alya hopped up and down, obviously really excited that a senior had a crush on Marinette. Marinette just rolled her eyes and hoped her best friend didn't see the pink on her cheeks.

Behind them, Nino was talking to Adrien.

"Dude, what was up with you and that other guy? I could tell there was some serious tension between you two." Nino eyed Adrien closely.

"Nothing," he said, his fists clenched.

That guy was not going to take Marinette from him. Plus, he seemed familiar. Adrien finally had her where he wanted her and then that older boy came in and ruined it all. He didn't even look like he had any flaws. And that's too much of... that... to take in. Like eating too much candy. Anyone could get cavities just by standing by Grey. Speaking of his name, it should be "Watch-Out-I'm-Gonna-Steal-Your-Crush-Even-Though-You-Had-Her-First-Before-I-Was-Clumsy-And-Lucky-Enough-To-Run-Into-Her-And-Make-Her-Fall-For-Me-With-My-Blinding-Innocent-Smile". Ugh.

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