"A Knight In Shining Leather Has to Help His Princess"

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    That night Marinette lay in bed, thinking of how mean Aria was to her. She started remembering the rest of the day ever since Aria Vylos entered the classroom.

    Marinette was at lunch with her friends when Aria came walking past her. But she "accidentally" spilled her water all over Marinette.

    "Oops, sorry. I didn't see you there. Guess you're just invisible."

    Aria spat the last word out as if it was poison and it felt like that to Marinette. Water soaked her shirt and made it stick to her skin. Her hair was also wet but luckily, there was barely any on her pants. Aria's words cut deep into her heart and tears started welling up in her eyes when she reminded herself that she still had to be kind. That was who she was.

    Choking back tears, she whispered, "It's all right. It's just water anyway; It will dry."

    This caught Aria off guard but she quickly recovered.

    "Ha ha ha. Trying to be nice then?" She yelled in her face and Marinette was trying even harder to keep the tears in by biting her lip. Then Aria leaned closer and whispered, "I will take who you love and make him mine. One thing you should know about me: I always win."

    And she started to walk off. It seemed like everyone was too stunned to do anything to her. Because who would be so mean to someone as nice as Marinette? Not even Chloe used to do that. But Adrien grabbed Aria's wrist, making her turn around quickly, about to hit the person that held her back. However, when she saw that gorgeous face of his, she smiled.

    "Oh, hey Adrien. I was wondering who grabbed me." She smirked. "Did you want something?"

    "I-I want for you to--"

    "Do stop stuttering sweetheart, it makes you look like an idiot."

    Marinette knew she was talking about her because when the words came out of her mouth, even though she was talking to Adrien, her eyes were glued on Marinette. She didn't understand. What did she do to her?

    "Anyway, I have somewhere to be. See ya, honey."

    Aria leaned to kiss his cheek, but Alya threw a plastic spoon at her while trying to suppress her giggles. This made Marinette a little bit happier to know that her best friends were standing up for her, even if it meant sacrifices for themselves. Now Alya is probably going to be picked on by Aria, but she helped her BFF out anyway. Aria whipped her head around and glared at Alya.

    "Just who do you think you are, doing that to me? I will not have this!" She was going in to grab Alya's arm, but Nino stepped between the two.

    "Don't even think about touching her."

    Marinette had never seen Nino so protective before. He wasn't mad, he was actually pretty calm. Just giving off a warning vibe as if he was to say, "That girl right there? Yeah. You see her. Don't touch." Aria had obviously noticed that, because she flipped her hair while smirking and walked away.

   "Mari? Here. Your shirt is still wet and I bet that's uncomfortable." Adrien scratched the back of his neck while blushing, trying not to take notice of how close her shirt was clinging to her body. He had taken off his shirt (lol he still had an under one on) and was reaching it out for Marinette to take. "You can wear my shirt if you want."

    Marinette's eyes went wide and her mouth was parted slightly. A light pink was dusted on her cheeks as she hesitantly reached for the T-shirt. Alya had her phone out the moment Adrien started talking and was recording the whole thing.

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