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"W-what a-are y-you d-d-doing ??" she whispered with a scared face.

"Shhhh" he whispered back. He trailed his fingers along her jawline. His face was a stoic facade but his amber eyes gave him away. Gwen stared into his eyes as they swirled with desire. Her body responded with a shiver.

Gwen, never having left the safety of her house, didn't know how to react to this situation. She knew nothing of the outside world.

The boy in whose hold she was, scared her because, although she met him for the first time, she felt secure in his arms. It was as if they were made to fit together. This particular thought snapped her out of her reverie. She tried to push him away but it was as if he was glued to her. She became all the more scared as his eyes started to glow. She fought to look away but her body was not hers to control.

It was then and there that she fainted in the arms of the unknown and scary stranger with no one who could save her in her sight......

It was then and there that she fainted in the arms of the unknown and scary stranger with no one who could save her in her sight

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Love Luna 😇💗

A strange twist - DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now