Spread of wings

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“Hey!” An old man shouts at a young short boy that dashes past his fruit stand, “come back, and give that back you lil thief!!!” the old man shouts again, but the boy fades into the crowd, with the fact of him wearing a hoodie, the old man couldn’t find him through the crowd. The boy smiles as he gazes upon the apple he held in his hand, with his face reflecting clearly on the Apple’s skin.
“This was far too easy man” he giggles and bites the apple, but a dog snatches the apple from his hands and growls at him, “what the…….. man c'mon you serious right now?” the boy pouts as he looks at the dog, he walks up to him and tries to pet him, but the dog jumps back almost afraid the boy might hurt him. “Man you're just like everyone else, afraid and will fight to live…… it’s a broken world.” The boy says as he walks away. “Fishel!” some kids shout as they run up to him.
“Hm?” Fishel turns around to be jumped on by three lil kids, “Fishel!! Your back into town!” one of the kids says while wearing a big smile, Fishel smiles and pets the kids “yup I am back for a very top secret mission” Fishel says with a huge smug on his face, “ooooh is the 'Infiltrat Ravens' up to something” the kids all say in unison with their eyes gleaming.
“Fishel, what did we say about giving out unnecessary information.” A young man says, with bit of irritation in his voice, as he walks towards Fishel and the kids. The young man fixes his glasses, then places his hand in his coat’s pocket. The kids jump off of Fishel then the run and hide behind him, “oh Yojit, there you are, been looking everywhere for you.” Fishel smiles as he pats Yojit's shoulder.
“So then!” Fishel says as he grows closer to Yojit's ear and whispers “did you get the information for our next Target?” Fishel grins then backs out and looks at him, Yojit fixes his glasses then nods and slips a piece of paper into Fishel's bag and walks away silently but confidence is written all over his face. Fishel laughs as a fire of passion lights in his eyes, “oh something will happen.” One of the kids whispers as they look at Fishel.
“Fishel we will be going now, good luck and be careful!” the kids smile while shouting as the run off waving to him. Fishel waves back and smiles “hehe it seems I got people expecting lots from me, well I ain’t disappointing anyone now!”, Fishel takes the piece of paper and studies it. On it was a picture of a necklace with a beautiful bright, red gem on it, in the center of the gem laid a crest of a Griffin.
“Hmm this is a very familiar crest, but what could it be for……… man who cares let’s just get the job done!” Fishel thinks to himself as he turns the paper and reads what’s written behind, “more information about the target will be located at the castle’s bridge” Fishel reads aloud, “well then, ok lets get this mission started!”
Fishel arrives to the bridge and looks up at the castle “hoo boy! This castle sure doesn’t disappoint, compared to all of what this lil town is, its like a dream out of a fairy tale.” Fishel observes the castle, a complete unimaginable design and an architect almost unknown to the masses. “I guess they must have used stuff from the old world, shame I heard it was an amazing place, but war leaves nothing up I guess.” Fishel says as he looks down, saddened by the fact that war wages on never stopping.
“Now then where the heck is this client of ours!” Fishel complains as lifts his head up and looks around. A weird buzzing sound starts from Fishel’s back pocket, Fishel picks up a small device from his pocket and places it in his ear, “Fishel I forgot to tell you where exactly is our client.” Yojit’s voice emerges from the device into Fishel’s ear, “Man glad you called, have you lost your touch mister perfectionist.” Fishel laughs, Yojit coughs in irritation and continues “our client is under the bridge make sure you arrive swiftly.” Yojit says, “will do eyeglasses, don’t worry about it.” Fishel says laughing, then he closes the call, “man these earcoms work wonders!” Fishel exclaims as he places it in pocket.
Fishel jumps down under the bridge and lands on the pathway below, and walks over to the man standing below, “hello….. oh wow!” Fishel laughs, “the royal servant himself here as client to the Infiltrat Ravens”. A man dressed in white cloths designed like a butler and he has a neatly combed  blonde hair on his head, including a long, blonde mustache. “Yes yes, laugh all you like boy” the royal servant says unamused, then he looks around observing the area, as he leans forward to Fishel “Boy if your Infiltrat Ravens are really as ‘competent’ as they are said to be, then I need you to retrieve something stolen” the royal servant says as he eyes down Fishel, “oh do you mean this necklace, honestly its so familiar yet who took it we…… ummm I mean I don’t know so will you tell me?” Fishel asks as he smiles confidently, and shows the servant the picture.
“Yes! This is exactly what was stolen, it was stolen by some vagabonds that call themselves ‘Steeds of Revolution’” the royal servent exclaims and changes his tone almost looking down on that organization. “Steeds of Revolution hmmmmm” Fishel mutters and thinks, “anyways thanks for the info mister stuck-up idiot.” Fishel says as he runs away and laughs.
Fishel runs back to the shopping district be it crowded as ever, but the sun closes to setting. “oh that’s nice seems like the perfect time for a robbery, gotta get back to the base and start planning the heist” Fishel whispers to himself and runs off through the crowded streets, and arrives to an abandoned small house. Fishel grins as he opens the door and walks in, he moves a rug on the ground and jumps down into the hole under it.
“Hello everyone I am back, and the job will be very rewarding I bet” Fishel exclaims as he walks into the room filled with books, monitors, and control panels. A bunch of teenagers turn around and look at him “oh heyyyyy Fishel your back! so did you get anything interesting!” a young girl exclaims excitingly, as she throws her arm onto Fishel’s shoulder. The girl had goggles on her head with some clothing dirtied by oil and dirt. “Oh boy, man your so lively as ever Apphia, I really love that bout you gurl! And were you working on something new!” Fishel laughs and asks he, while looking at her. Apphia blushes a bit, then she starts laughing while giving Fishel a playful noogie “yup I totally am its an awesome lil baby she will rock your socks off!” Apphia says as she smiles confidently, and winks at Fishel.
“Knock it off you two.” Yojit says as he walks towards them, and pulls their ears, moving them apart. “Now then Fishel tell us anthing useful we ca-“ a short young girl interrupts Yojit with her chewing of the apple in her hand. The girl sat there pleasantly eating away at the apple trying not to dirty her purple dress, Yojit faces her “will you stop that Liliana! If you wanna eat can’t you do it silently!” Yojit shouts at Liliana, but she looks at him with a blank expression on her face, she finishes her apple and throws it away “I am full.” Liliana says as she sits down on the coach in the room with a satisfied expression on her face.
Fishel and Apphia have a hard time holding their laughter at what Liliana just did. Yojit sighs, then faces Fishel “Hey Fishel ca-, wait what’s wrong with your face its so red, yours and Apphia’s are you guys ok?” Yojit asks as he grows closer to them, Fishel nods then bursts out laughing together with Apphia, “sorry sorry!” fishel says apologetically while laughing. Yojit walks up to them and smacks both their heads.
Yojit clears his throat “ok everyone lets get down to business, so Fishel what information did you get from the royal servant about our next job.” Yojit says as he fixes his glasses and returns to his  serious expression. “oh right, well our next target is as you all know a necklace with a gem on it, well it was stolen by an organization called Steeds of Revolution, and from the looks of it the necklace is pretty important I guess” Fishel explains as he thinks. “hmmm surprising, to steal from the royal family, didn’t think anyone would be able to do it other than us, it takes a lot of guts and planning, doesn’t seem like this will be an easy one Fishel.” Yojit thinks, “oh don’t worry since this won’t be easy I am all for doing this its gonna be fun!” Fishel excitedly says while giving a thumbs up.
“Found it!” Liliana shouts making everyone in the room turn towards her, “wait you found what?” Yojit asks, “the steed thing, I was tracking the empty deserts the last couple of days so I happened to find this” Liliana explains as she points at the monitors, “ohhhhhhh that is amazing Liliana, man this is definitely why we have you as our observer, the eyes of the raven!” Fishel exclaims complimenting her. “well then that’s really proficient from you Liliana, now then knowing this is a small organization a fast thievery at night would do well, but then again you must be careful since they might be ready ok Fishel.” Yojit says as he examines the images taken on the screen, “you don’t have to warn me twice Yojit, I bet Apphia’s creations and I would be able to handle this nicely, right Apphia!” Fishel says looking at Apphia and winking at her “cause your work is amazing as always.” Fishel continues, Apphia blushes and smile back nodding “you better bring them back in one piece though” Apphia warns him.
“Great, then I should leave soon at night till then I better rest up!” Fishel says with confidence, “yup and you will find the tools at the usual place when you leave all right Fishel.” Apphia says winking at him, “yup I do Apphia” Fishel says as he winks back, “well then guys see you at night, I will take a quick nap before I leave” Fishel says as he walks off to the corresponding room, his chest beating with excitement, adrenaline coursing through him for the coming heist and adventure.

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