Flap of wings

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“Hot……. Its hot too hot” Fishel mutters under his heavy breathing, as he tries to walk but his feet were bound to the ground, looking down he realizes his feet were buried under the ground. He looks up to see a circle of flame dancing around him, “what is going on? what happened!?” Fishel exclaims but words fail to leave his mouth.
Fishel was stuck for what seemed like hours to him until he saw a white tiger jump into the circle of flame, heading towards a crow bound to the ground glaring towards the tiger. Fishel continued to watch as the white tiger closed in slowly towards the helpless crow, until the giant Noble beast loomed over the crow, but the crow only replied with glares. However before anything could happen Fishel’s feet started sinking into the ground under him “what the heck, I am going to die at this rate, help!!!” Fishel shouts but nothing happens. He continues to struggle but nothing happens, the sand reaches his neck and his breathing shortens, as the tiger lifts it paws above the crow, then Fishel drowns in the sand.
Fishel gasps for air and stands up straight, he looks around to find himself in a small room lit by a lantern in a corner of the room. Fishel wipes away the sweat on his forehead and gives out a sigh of relief “it was just a dream…… hehe man that was weird” Fishel gets up and walks over to the door “well its time to get to work and get this heist done” Fishel says smirking with confidence and opens the door, moves outside of the building and runs over to a chest hidden under crates behind the building then opens it. “man I am really glad we have someone like Apphia around” Fishel smiles as he takes out some smokebombs and an attachable crossbow on his arm, “this is good enough” Fishel says with a grin on his face then sets off.
After what seems like an eternity of waiting, Fishel ,who was hidden beneath the golden sands of the desert, emerges and runs swiftly towards the ‘Steeds of Revolution’ moving caravan. Fishel enters the caravan and searches the area, “Well then this place is scarcely guarded?” Fishel wonders on this strange occurrence, but he brushes this subject off and continues inspecting the area, flying through it like a phantom of the night.
Beep…..Beep, Fishel turns around alert by this unusal sound “what the heck?! Have I been discovered?” Fishel dives into a crate believing he has taken cover from the imminent danger ahead , but the beeping persists and gets louder by each passing minute. “What is that sound?” someone shouts as he runs outside of one of the tents, “oh no at this rate they will find me!” Fishel panics and looks around for a way to escape, but is interrupted by his earcom ringing in his ear, upon responding to it Liliana says swiftly in her calm tone “Fishel throw your bag of smokebombs away.”,  “wha-“ Fishel attempted to ask but Apphia screams “Throw it now Fishel!!”. Fishel jumps out of the crate and throws the bag in the air. Boom……, an explosion covered the area, while Fishel was close sending him flying through the air, and starting fires around him.
“I could have died!” Fishel shouts after being sent ten feet back and slamming into a pile of boxes, Fishel looks up and realizes some of the tents were set on fire by the explosion. “Apphia did you misplace a bomb into the smokebomb bag?” Fishel asks on the earcom but noone responds, “guys?..... Anyone?.... What the hell??” Fishel takes the earcom and looks at it with a puzzled expression, but then shoves it into his pocket after seeing guards running towards him, “oh I gotta bail it now!.... wait what in the world??” Fishels questions as he notices the guards wore a suit of cold steel “what the heck is the empire doing here??” Fishel asks a he steps back, but seconds later his face was on the rough sand and sharp pain was sent through out his head until he blacks out.
“The hell…. this is so …… bumpy” Fishel groans and opens his eyelids slowly, “ugh…. My eyes feel so heavy….” Fishel attempts to rub his eyes but realize his hands are tied together. Moments later, Fishel shoots up from the ground on to his legs with his eyes wide open, “w-where am I?! the last thing I remember was that i….. oh crap man I got captured didn’t I…” Fishel mumbles feeling humiliated, then he looks around searching for a way out, but fishel gets irritated and rests his back on the walls, “man having my hands tied by this metal piece is annoying!” Fishel complains, then sets about to find a way to break these cuffs, Fishel notices a set of keys on a wall not too far from his cell, “oh that’s my way out of here…. But how am I to reach it?” Fishel wonders the slumps down on to the ground.
“You worthless prisoners wake up!” a man shouts as he enters the corridor containing multiple cells. The man walks by the cells slamming the metal bar in his hands on each cell’s doors, “wake up its time for your meals!.. the last decent meal you will get in a very long time” the guard laughs, “oh boy a guard with a metal bar hehe convenient” Fishel thinks to himself as he smirks. The guard passes by Fishel’s cell and as soon as he slams the metal bar to the door Fishel grabs it and pulls the bar into his cell slamming the guard’s face to the door “why you scummy bastard!” the guard shouts as he holds his hurt nose from the impact, Fishel taunts the guard by sticking his tounge out and laughing, “why you! I will teach u a lesson for attacking an imperial sky soldier” the man shouts as he smirks and opens the cell door and marches towards Fishel, but before he could do anything Fishel slams his head with the metal bar and knees his face knocking him out. “Well this turned out different, not as how I expected it but same results” Fishel laughs and walks out of his cell to get the keys and uncuffs himself.
“Much better, much much better” Fishel says with a satisfied expression on his face. “Now then onto finding my equipment” Fishel says with a grin on his face and walks through the door the guard walks in from.

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