Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Chapter Twenty-Seven

Michael didn't want to complain about the pain he was in but he was fairly certain that if he hadn't seen Campton in the distance at that exact moment, he would have collapsed upon the grass covered ground and been incapable of taking another step.

"Is that the town we're going to?" Amelia questioned, her hopeful voice sounding just as tired and worn down as Michael felt.

"Yes," Allie assured them both and Michael could tell she was trying to keep her voice light and upbeat but even she appeared dead on her feet.

It was close to sundown and they'd been walking steady for two days. Michael's pain would have been worse if Allie hadn't made his tea every morning and night but it was still pretty bad. His feet were unaccustomed to so much walking and they burned terribly. His legs weren't used to the abuse either and the muscles were tight and throbbing.

His physical discomfort, no matter how severe, couldn't steal away the happiness he felt inside. Allie was going to be his wife! Michael had no idea why she had said yes but he wasn't going to argue or question. Allie was a blessing and Michael was going to hold on to her with all he had.

Michael was pulled from his thoughts when he saw Amelia stumble and realized she was going to fall. Quickly he swooped forward and scooped her into his arms. His aching back protested the added load, his stomach churned with the pain, but he voiced no complaint and did not release her.

"Is she okay?" Allie demanded.

Michael glanced down at Amelia and realized the girl had snuggled against his chest and was sound asleep, "She's fine, Allie, just tired."

"So are you," Allie noted. "Take the sack and I'll take Amelia...."

Michael shook his head, "No, I won't do that. She weighs too much for you to pack."

"She weighs too much for you to pack. You are in enough pain without..."

Michael sighed and a frown tugged down his lips, "Allie, stop treating me like I'm broken. I can carry her for this last little bit."

Allie appeared as if she wanted to protest further but her own exhaustion had her giving in. Michael prayed he could carry Amelia all the way to wherever they were going to stay without collapsing and proving Allie right. He wanted to be strong for her. He wanted to be a real man who could take care of things without needing so much help.... He didn't want Allie to have to carry so much of the worry on her own.

Michael was using sheer willpower alone to keep his legs moving as he followed Allie up onto a boardwalk and into a hotel. Stares were sent in his direction and he could hear whispers but he was far too tired to care or feel afraid--those things would probably come later but for now he had no energy for them.

"Oh dear heaven! Are you three alright?"

Michael looked up from the polished wood floor to see a gray haired woman with an over plump figure staring at them with wide gray eyes. Her hand was over her large chest and her mouth hung wide open.

"We need a room," Allie replied quietly. "I don't have much money but we need a room, a hot meal and enough hot bathwater for three people."

The woman looked Allie up and down and Michael gazed at her to see what the woman was seeing. Allie looked tired, pale and worn down. Her thin shoulders were slumped and dark circles were around her eyes. Her hair was lying limp around her shoulders and had several tangles and knots through the back. The cream colored blouse and brown skirt she wore was dirty and stained from the miles and miles of walking.

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