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Our bodies are just penitentiaries for our souls which are constantly begging to come out, to be set free. This world is just an abyss that the sinful wanderers have grown attached to.

"Here is your order sir" A soft and somewhat melodious voice spoke bringing me out of my thoughts. I looked up to see Dahyun smiling at me. She put the cup of coffee on my table and lifted the tray flashing me a contagious smile along the way.
"Thanks once again, Dahyun" She nodded and headed off to another bickering customer to take the orders.

The smell of freshly ground coffee felt refreshing. Dahyun was a good and hard-working girl, she used to work at my company until last year. Last year.

It was the year everything came falling down, the year I decided to stop feeling everything. What's the point if it will only hurt at the end?

Nonetheless, I watched as she was finally released by Taehyung who did not seem to be in a good mood. How could he, though? After all, it was the 4th time someone had broken up with him, in the same place, at the same table the day earlier. The fact that I have the exact details might seem stalkerish but since I spent majority of my time in Jin's Café, it's only natural that I take interest in other people's lives.

Kim Taehyung, the boy who went through six relationships in the span of seven months. Somehow, his partner always managed to find him cheating with the next to-be-boyfriend/girlfriend. Yes, he seemed to be bisexual, all the more reason to stay away.

Kiss me on the mouth and set me free
Sing me like a choir
I can be the subject of your dreams
Your sickening desire

However, I couldn't help but notice his perfectly tanned skin, his defined cheeks and jawline all the way down to his collarbones peeking just a little bit from under his v-neck. Of course, I never failed to notice his dark brown orbs on which his blond fringes fell ever so slightly. I noticed how his hair was never parted unless the person he was seeing is a girl. I stared at him as he came in sometimes wearing his favorite skinny jeans but alone only on Wednesdays.

Don't you want to see a man up close?
A phoenix in the fire

I wondered about his smile, how it used to be boxy and cheerful. I observed how he never even spared me a second glance because he was too caught up in his own little world. It made me jealous.

He had life left in him.

Something I dearly wished for. My life was gray and lifeless. It would've remained that way if I never left my table that day. My first mistake in the series of many.

I stood up sighing as I was done contemplating for the day. Like every usual day, I checked my pockets for keys and smiled in satisfaction when they were there. It was eerie how the sound echoed as my Gucci shoes made impact with the floor. Only then I realized that the cafe was empty. Only one person sitting at the table in the center, my second mistake. I just stood there taking in the environment. For a moment it seemed as if the world stopped. He was looking right at me, smiling.

I spun around as fast as I could and increased my pace before I bumped into someone. The sound of glass shattering was heard and my white leather high-tops suddenly turned tortilla.

Dahyun had been the victim of my klutziness and was bowing before me, apologizing constantly.

"I'm really very sorry! I'll clean it up. I'm sorry!"

"It's okay, Dahyun. Dah-listen to me!"


"It's fine. It happens and it was my fault anyway"

After about a minute of arguing over whose fault it was, she finally went back to clean up. I frowned at my favourite Gucci shoes which had a permanent stain on them.

"Hey you!" A deep voice called me from behind. I didn't have to look back to know who it was, but I did anyway.
"Me?" It came out less rude than I wanted it to.
"Yes, you. Nice shoes" And he started laughing as if he made the greatest joke in history. It pissed me off.

Not being in the mood for anymore of the bullshit that day had to offer, I continued on my way out of the shop. I stopped in my tracks when I heard him again.

"Hey, Hoseok, can you please stay?"
Not knowing what to do, I just stood there staring at my feel like a llama.
Finally, my mind cleared up and I made way to his table. I sat down adjacent to the attractive guy who was grinning like an idiot and also who made me forget everything I've ever taught myself about trouble.

"What do you want and how do you know my name?" His expression turned to smug and I felt all the confidence leaving my body.

"You're the CEO of Seongjin group"

I was surprised that he knew. Although I left that life behind a year ago, it didn't seem to have left me.

"I'm surprised a young fool like you knows about someone like me" He sat back in his chair and thought about it for a while.

"Ah, it's only fair for you to think so. But let me warn you, Jung Hoseok, never take me for someone basic" Even though his words were what every normie would say, there was a hint of menace in them. I sighed in defeat and nodded.

"Very well. What do you want from me now? I hope you are aware of the fact that Seongjin group doesn't exist anymore"

"I am. I know that you are not the rich bitch anymore but I also cannot help but notice the S-Class Mercedes standing in all its glory outside. I also cannot help but drool over the Gucci that you're breathing in from head to toe. Jung Hoseok, I cannot help but stare at those diamond earrings that you came wearing in a coffee shop" He finished it off with his signature smirk while I stared at him in disbelief.

"Well, I-I was in a good mood today"

"Of course you were. Anyway, where do you get your green?"

"For your information, my car was gifted to me by my father and my outfit, I saved it for a special occasion."

"Really?" He rested his elbow on the table and his face on his palms, looking intrigued. "What special occasion is it today?"

"It's m-my d-dog's birthday"

"You can't even lie, Hoseok. Just say you wanted to show off" He huffed leaving me dumbfounded.

"You caught me, now can I leave?"

"Why do you want to leave so early? A God like me just started flirting with you, won't you like to stay?" I sighed at his immaturity, he had no idea.

"Listen, go back to doing whatever you were doing. I'm gonna pretend that this never happened."
His expression was somewhere between surprised and angry.

"Oh, okay. I should've known anyway"

"No, it's not your fault. It's just that I'm positive"

So kiss on the mouth and set me free
But please don't bite

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