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Author's POV

"Alfred, I hope you know what to do" Hoseok smiled fondly at the fifty eight year old man standing before him. Alfred received an unexpected call from Hoseok earlier that morning and they were both in Hoseok's study with Hoseok surrounded with papers.

"Are you sure, sir? I mean it's entirely your decision and I am just a servant but...." Alfred looked down in embarrassment.

"Alfred, you have taken care of me since I was born. From changing my diapers to handling my accounts, you've done just about everything. You are more than just a servant to me."

"You are just being humble, sir. Nonetheless, I will transfer all your assets to Mr. Kim when you..."

"Thank you Alfred, it means a lot to me" Hoseok gave him a warm and sad smile which Alfred returned gladly.

"If you don't mind me asking, sir.....Mr. Kim seems important to you?"

"I'm glad you asked. Indeed, he is very important and I will do everything in my power to protect him even after I'm gone. You were very helpful to him while moving here, thank you for that too"

"Ah. I understand now. The car you asked for is waiting outside. I'll take your leave, sir." Hoseok nodded at the other, slightly disappointed that he didn't stay longer.

As soon as he left, Hoseok stared at the two sets of papers before him, isolated from the mess around the table. One held the transfer of authority over two of his insurance accounts, and the other held his recent blood reports. Alfred, you'll be relieved of your duty very soon, with a small gift from me.

Next, he went to his massive closet and looked through his section of 'casual outfits' for something to wear that night. That night.

"Seokie~ Are you ready yet?" Taehyung cooed across their bedroom door.

"Yes, baby. Just a minute"

"You've been saying that for the past twenty minutes, I'm coming in"

"N-No-" before Hoseok had time to protest, Taehyung had already walked in on an undressed Hoseok sitting at the edge of the bed.

"So? We should leave since you're ready" Taehyung said in a sarcastic tone.

"I. Don't. Have. Anything. To. Wear" He sulked like he lost the meaning of life.

"Aish, rich people I tell you..."
In an instant, Taehyung started looking through their vast closet.
He finally brought out a pair of black skinny jeans and a pale blue skinny shirt.

"That'll stick to my body"

"Exactly the point" Hoseok groaned before giving in and changing into the clothes. After that he put on the canvas shoes that Taehyung also put out.

"You look hot" Was the first thing Taehyung said as soon as the older came out of the bedroom.

"Thanks, I guess. Let's go, it's already 8:30"

"When they said 7 PM, they meant 9 at least" Taehyung stated as-a-matter-of-factly, Hoseok just shook his head.

As soon as they stepped out of the house, Taehyung's jaw dropped.

The Audi R8 Coupe stood in all it's glory by the promenade. The older had not only managed to get ahold of a car supposed to come out next year, he had also managed to get it in custom colour.

"Oh. My. God" The younger moved closer towards the sleek and ingenious car with his mouth agape. He ran his hand across the shiny surface then retorting right afterwards. "Is this even real?"

"I'm afraid this is very much real, Tae. If we're going to a teenager's party, we might as well go in style"

"It's my favourite colour, Hoseok!"

"Um... yes. It was a bit awkward, a grown-ass man asking for his custom car to be neon green. But then again, I'm going to Jungkook's party"

"Oh my God, I love you. Let's go!"

Hoseok insisted on driving since Taehyung was way too excited to do anything other than squeal. It wasn't until they reached their destination that a thought crossed the younger's mind.

"You just wanted to show off, didn't you?" A smirk crept up on Hoseok's face.

"I was wondering when you'd ask. I mean, Jungkook is the new Jung Hoseok so I might as well remind him who's the boss." The frown on Taehyung's face almost made him reconsider his words.

"Kookie may be the youngest and the most successful entrepreneur right now but to me he's just my best friend"

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that..." A sigh escaped his lips as he saw Taehyung leave the car without saying a word.

It took Hoseok some time to park the car someplace not populated with wasted teenagers. He thought Taehyung would wait for him, he hated to be wrong. Nonetheless, he entered the mansion Taehyung always kept bragging about but the latter was nowhere to be seen.

However, as he walked further in, he saw a familiar male already dancing with the notorious 'Jungkook'. Alcohol seemed to have taken over his senses completely as he, quite sensually, rolled and twisted his body on the dance floor. The revealing shirt and the shiny black choker just boosted the sex appeal oozing out of the blond.

In spite of the jealousy building up inside of him, Hoseok walked over to the duo and realized that Jungkook was in no better state. He grabbed Taehyung by the arm and spoke close to his ear.

"You started without me?" Taehyung let out something between a giggle and a squeal.

"Seokieeee! I wash waitin! You are lateee" That confirmed it. Taehyung was officially wasted and would've thrown up if Hoseok didn't snatch away the cup of the blue liquid from his hands. What even is this drink?

"Jungkook? I'm taking him home, I'm sorry we couldn't stay long"

"No! Not before you have something to drink!" Hoseok whispered incoherent words which could only be assumed as cussing at the youngest. But since he was already there, a drink wouldn't hurt. Or would it?

One drink turned to three, then to five. Before he knew it, Taehyung was grinding against him on the dance floor. The feeling of the younger's body against him felt electrifying. The only thing disappointing to Hoseok was the wall of clothes between them. He wanted to feel his bare skin against his own, maybe even more. All the warnings flashed in red before him but the high was only amplified by the intoxicating eyes before him.

Kiss me on the mouth and set me free
Sing me like a choir
I can be the subject of your dreams
Your sickening desire

His hand landed on all the wrong places causing arousing sounds to come out of Taehyung inviting lips. He couldn't hold back anymore. As soon as a rather loud moan was released, Hoseok muffled it with his own lips. He devoured the other's mouth exploring every corner, he almost felt like Columbus, discovering the most mysterious places all in Taehyung's mouth. The heat intensified to the point where both of them were trying to rip each other's clothes apart, or each other apart in general.

Their absolutely drunk selves somehow made it to their car but Hoseok was sensible enough to know that car sex is really not the best. So he resolved to an even more sensible option, he decided to drive all the way back to their apartment.

Thankfully, the road on the way back was deserted and they managed to reach home safe and sound. Hoseok stepped out first, carrying a passed out Taehyung in his arms who managed to have woken up.

"Seokie~" He wrapped his long arms around Hoseok's neck. "I want you" The whisper was far too close to his ears to be ignored. He groaned in frustration before throwing the baffled younger on the bed and then crawling over him right after.

The rest is history.

Don't you wanna see a man up close?
A phoenix in the fire
So kiss me on the mouth and set me free
But please don't bite

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