Preparing for the First Order's Next Attack

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This takes place while Rey is training with her fellow Jedi at Tython!

After the First Order won the battle at the Javin sector, the decimated Resistance fleet made a hyperspace jump back to their base at D'Qar. There, at Home One's command room, the leaders of the Resistance battle group decided what to do next, while recuperating their fleet.

"The First Order posseses strong and formidable weapons. Starkiller Base managed to destroy the capital of the New Republic, and it would have done the same our base here if we had not managed to destroy their superweapon first. Now they have giant ships that seem to regenerate when they are hit and that can destroy a whole fleet at once, using the same red death ray that they used in Starkiller Base" said Vice Admiral Holdo.

"And now that the Javin sector is theirs, they will surely advance further to our base. They are dangerously close now. We must fight hard and carefully to defend it" said Admiral Statura.

"Yes. We must find out where they will attack next, then we must reassemble our forces and attack them there. We must send a bigger army and fleet, as we already know the devastation caused by their technology. We also need a strategy to counter their worldships" said Leia.

"Agreed, Leia. First we must use our scanners to see where the First Order intends to advance next. Then we must come up with a strategy and send a full-fledged, strong fleet to the area to defend it" said Admiral Ackbar.

Ackbar went to the intercom of the ship and contacted the Resistance base at D'Qar.

"Attention, Resistance officers! We must be ready for the First Order when they attack their next target. You must use the space scanners to find out where the First Order is headed next so that we know where to confront them!" ordered Ackbar.

"Noted, Admiral. We will start the space scanners now and tell you the First Order's next location" replied Major Taslin Brance.

At the Resistance command room in D'Qar, the Resistance officers started the space scanners on the navigational computers.

Poe and Rose returned to the Resistance base at D'Qar on their X-Wing. After landing outside the base, they got off the ship and walked back to the base, talking to each other in the meantime.

"That was a close escape" said Rose.

"Yes, and it appears the Home One and the Resistance leaders escaped here as well. That's good. Anyway, I don't think we've been properly introduced. What's your name, and what do you do in the Resistance?" asked Poe.

"My name is Rose. Rose Tico. I work as a maintenance worker and technician for the Resistance. I make sure the ships are working well, and if they are not, then I fix them. And I already know who you are, Poe Dameron. The best pilot in the Resistance" replied Rose.

"Well, it was great meeting you, Rose" said Poe.

"I was glad to meet you too, Poe" replied Rose.

Poe and Rose walked inside the Resistance Base.

"I'm gonna go check on my friend at the medical room. He is recovering from a grave injury. Would you like to accompany me?" asked Poe.

"Sure" replied Rose.

Poe and Rose walked to one of the base's medical rooms where Fin sat.

In the meantime, Finn continued to recover. The medical room was white and large. It possessed ten bacta tanks along with a shelf with medical supplies, medical computers and a 21-B medical droid.

Finn slept inside one of the bacta tanks, which stood tilted down to allow him to sleep. He was still recovering from the wound inflicted on him by Kylo Ren during that fateful duel in Starkiller Base. Inside the circular tank, Finn wore a white bacta suit that covered his whole body except his head.

Major Harter Kalonia, the official Resistance doctor, came inside the room to check on Finn's wounds. She was a light-skinned, middle aged woman with dark hair and brown eyes. As she came in and opened the white sliding metal door, Finn woke up with a start.

"Hello, Finn. Sorry to wake you. I just came to check on your recovery, and a friend is here to visit you" said Kalonia.

Poe walked inside the room with Rose. Finn got out of the tank, stood and hugged Poe.

"Hello, buddy. Great to see you. This is Rose Tico, a maintenance worker here in the Resistance. Rose, this is Finn, one of my best friends and a great help to the Resistance" said Poe.

Rose and Finn shook hands.

"Nice to meet you, Finn" said Rose.

"i'm glad to meet you too" replied Finn.

"How do you feel?" asked Poe.

"I'm feeling better. The burning from the lightsaber is becoming less intense. But I'm still worried, and wondering if I will ever be able to get up on my feet again" said Finn.

Poe looked at Kalonia with a worried and serious expression.

"That was a pretty bad wound that he took on his back, and it takes a long time to recover from that. Perhaps he will be able to move, but with cybernetic enhancements. Before we can implant those, he will need to recover just slightly more" replied Kalonia.

"How's the war against the First Order going?" asked Finn.

"It doesn't appear to be going well, I'm afraid. The First Order decimated our fleet at the Javin Sector using a massive, unusual ship. I don't know all the details, but the ship uses the same dark energy from Starkiller Base that destroyed the capital of the New Republic. Me and Rose narrowly escaped the battle on an X-Wing and got here" replied Poe.

"Oh no, that isn't good. I wish I had been there with you to help, but this stupid injury..." said Finn.

"I know how it feels when you can't help your friends, Finn. You feel restless because you cannot help the Resistance at the moment. But rest assured, I will do everything I can to fight the First Order. I am confident that you will recover soon, and then you will be able to continue helpiing us" said Poe.

Kalonia walked over to the medical computer, where she made medical adjustments to Finn's suit, adding healing properties and power to the suit.

"How powerful is the First Order? Didn't we destroy their command at Starkiller Base?" asked Finn.

"It appears that they are stronger than we thought they were. However, we don't know much about their technology" said Poe.

At that moment, General Leia spoke over the Resistance Base's loudspeaker.

"Attention, all Resistance leaders and commanders. Head to the command room at once. This is urgent"

"Can I come as well?" asked Finn.

"Yes, but with your bacta suit on" replied Kalonia.

Finn walked with Poe and Rose to the command room.

They arrived at the command room with the Resistance leaders and stood around the space map. They were composed of Vice Admiral Holdo, Admiral Statura, Admiral Ackbar, Major Brance, Major Ematt, and the Resistance Starfighter Corps.

"We are here because we know the First Order's next target is the planet of Sullust. Sullust is an important planet, as it is close to D'Qar. We must defend the planet, but we need to come up with a strong battle plan, as we know the devastating capabilities of First Order technology" said Leia.

"Perhaps the massive First Order ships have a weak area. If we hit that area, we may be able to destroy them" said Major Ematt.

"Yes. That is plausible. Starkiller Base had a weak spot as well, a thermal oscillator. We may be able to exploit this weak area in the ship. Perhaps if we send a strike team inside the ship..." said Admiral Statura.

"Maybe not. It might be too dangerous. We don't know much about the giant ships, so we should study them. Scan the massive ships" interrupted Vice Admiral Holdo.

Major Brance took a closer look at the ship in the space map and scanned it with the computer.

"It appears that nothing is known of these ships, other than the fact that they are immensely strong and advanced, and they use the same energy that Starkiller Base did. These ships must be extragalactic. The First Order appears to have some formidable friends" said Major Brance.

"Do the ships appear to contain any weaknesses?" asked Poe.

"No. As I said, these ships are very mysterious" said Major Brance.

"We should place a land garrison at Sullust near the cities to defend them if the First Order attempts to board the planet. And we must help the Sullustans prepare for the First Order. Knowing the First Order, I don't think they would rule out destroying the cities and damaging the planet's resources" said Finn.

"We must make sure that the Sullustan population stays safe underground in their cave cities. It will not be safe for them above ground" said Admiral Ackbar.

"Yes. We will bring batallions to Sullust with transports, along with transports. We will also send someone to negotiate with the Sullustans" said Leia.

"Maybe I could negotiate with them? I am a Sullustan myself, and they'd be more likely to listen to me due to this" requested Nien Nunb in his language.

"Yes, of course. In fact, I was just about to suggest you, Nien" said Leia.

"I will go to set up the garrison on Sullust and help Nien negotiate" said Major Ematt.

"So will I" said Statura.

"But what will we do about the First Order fleet?" asked Admiral Statura.

"I guess we must try finding any weaknesses in the ship when we're there. Maybe even send a strike team in the ship. We need to be on the defensive and protect the inhabitants of the planet. We have a plan. Now we must head to Sullust" said Leia.

The Resistance leaders and commanders left the Resistance command room and assembled the Resistance fleet and army. In two days, they headed for Sullust.

The Resistance fleet headed for Sullust with Mon Calamari cruisers, Corellian Frigates, X-Wings, A-Wings and Resistance Bombers, commanded by the Home One.

Four Resistance garrisons also landed over Sullust's underground cities, setting up camps with transports. The camps were equipped with missile defense systems, and had many Corellian frigates boarded on Sullust's rocky surface. They served as barracks, restaurants and other establishments for the Resistance soldiers there.

Major Ematt commanded the planet's land garrisons, and was accompanied by Admiral Statura. While they set up and commanded one of the camps near the capital city of Bylurrun. They were both confronted by seven members of the local Sullustan population, who walked over to the camp. They wore light green worker's clothes with yellow lines, along with orange jackets.

"What is your business here?" asked one of the Sullustans in his language.

"Your planet is in danger. The First Order will be here soon, and they will attack your planet. It will definitely not end well. My name is Nien Nunb, and I am a pilot in the Resistance. These others with me are Major Caluan Ematt, Admiral Statura, Commander Clint and Commander Landmin" said Nien Nunb.

"We have come to your planet to help defend it against the First Order and coordinate your defense. You must fight with us and protect your population by not allowing them above ground. I ask you to grant us an audience with your leaders at your capital Byllurun" explained Ematt.

"How do we know we can trust you? You have come to our planet and set up garrisons illegally without our permission! It kind of looks like an occupation!" replied another Sullustan.

"You have to trust us. The First Order will be here soon, and I don't think they will be very pleasant to you or your planet. All we ask is that you grant us an audience with your leader. " said Admiral Statura.

The Sullustans stared at the Resistance commanders for a while.

"All right. We will grant you an audience with our leaders at Byllurun, and see what they think of all this. However, we still don't really trust you" replied one of the Sullustans.

The Sullustans led Ematt, Statura and three other Resistance commanders on a long walk to a cave cut in the volcanic rock. Inside the cave there was a rectangular metal speeder on a high speed rail system. Ematt, Statura and the other Resistance commanders got inside with the rest of the Sullustans.

The Sullustans drove the speeder, taking them on a long descent down the cave . They reached the underground capital of Byllurun, an underground city built upon the cave rock. The city had many skyscrapers, whose white lights glowed nicely and gave light to the cave. Various speeders drove around the city.

The Sullustans detached the speeder from the high speed rail system when it reached below the skyscrapers of the city. The Sullustans continued to drive the speeder to a massive building that towered over all the skyscrapers below.

"This is the building where the Sullustan Council is situated. You are to meet with the President Jayus Snov, and tell him about what is going on. Now whether he believes you or not, that remains to be seen. My name is Nox Sarab. I am a leader at the Sorosuub Corporation of Sullust" said Nox.

The speeder landed at the bottom platform of the building. There, Sullustan members of government walked up and down some steps leading into the building. Ematt, Statura, Nunb and the other Resistance leaders headed up the steps with the Sullustans and entered the building.

The interior of the building was illuminated with white lights on the ceiling, and was elegant, with gray walls and green plants lining the walkway. Sullustan members of government walked the hallways of the interior.

Ematt, Statura, Nunb and the other Resistance commanders headed to a circular elevator with the Sullustans. Nox set up the elevator to take them up to the official office of the Sullustan Council.

The office overlooked the city of Byllurun, and there, the Sullustan leaders sat on a big, circular metal table. They wore gray and tan suits.

Nox walked over to the table and bowed to Jayus.

"President Jayus Snov, these are representatives from the Resistance. They are apparently here to defend us from the First Order" he said.

"The First Order? They are going to attack our planet?" asked Jayus.

"Yes. They are attacking your planet next. You must help us fight them and coordinate the defense, and you must protect your population" said Nien.

"And what proof do you have of this impending attack?" demanded Jayvus.

Major Ematt took out a holographic card.

"Do you have a holographic projector around here?" he asked.

"Yes. On that wall over there" said one of the Sullustans, pointing to a rectangular metal table at one of the walls.

Major Emmat went up to the projector and placed the card inside it. The card showed a galaxy map, along with the whole First Order fleet. The map showed the enemy fleet heading for Sullust.

"We made a scan in space to find out where they would attack next, and it is overwhelmingly likely that they will attack this planet. It is close to our base at D'Qar, so if they defeat us here, they will be able to move on to our planet. It will not end well for you either. It never does with the First Order" said Statura.

The Sullustans started at the hologram for a few seconds.

"Give us some time to decide on our next course of action" said Jayvus.

"No. There is no deciding. You must prepare for the First Order's arrival! We are trying to save your people, and my people!" replied Nien.

"Enough! I said we will decide! Nox, escort them to our guest rooms" said Jayvus.

Nox escorted the Resistance leaders out of the office and to the building's guest rooms.

"Don't worry about the Sullustan Council, they just take a while to deliberate on decisions" said Nox.

"But we don't have a while. The First Order will be coming to the planet soon. You must all be ready" replied Ematt.

"I believe you, and I will attempt to talk some sense into the Sullustan Council. But go into one of the rooms" said Nox.

The Resistance officers entered one of the guest rooms. Not long after they entered, Major Ematt's holocomm beeped. He took it out and turned it on, showing the hologram of Princess Leia.

"How are the negotiations with the Sullustans going? Will they help us and prepare their people for the First Order's attack?" asked Leia.

"Well, at first they had a bit of trouble trusting us. When we showed them proof of the impending attack on the space map, they said that they would come to a decision later" replied Ematt.

"They must do it quickly. The First Order is not going to wait for them to decide whether to help us or not. At any rate, stay here. If they do not come to a decision by tomorrow, return to our cam and continue coordinating the defense " said Leia.

"Got it" replied Ematt.

The holocom turned off.

The next day in the evening, Jayvus summoned Statura, Ematt, Nien Nunb and the other Resistance leaders to the Council office.

"It appears we have come to a decision concerning the impending First Order invasion. We believe you, and we will do whatever you tell us. What do you want us to do?" asked Jayvus.

"Start preparing your population. Tell them to stay underground, as it is not safe above ground. We will bring our transports into the cave entrances that lead to your cities to give provisions. Have your population line up there" replied Nien Nunb.

"Very well" replied Jayvus.

Jayvus spoke to the Sullustan population in a speech from the front porch of the government building, telling them about the impending invasion. The speech was broadcast around Sullust's cities.

"Attention, people of Sullust. The First Order is coming to attack our planet. You must go line up near the cave entrances. The Resistance will protect you from the First Order, and they have their transports there. Do not go above ground under any circumstances, as it is not safe. We will give you updates on what is going on. Whatever we tell you to do, you must comply" said Jayvus.

The Sullustan population, listening to Jayvus made their way to the cave entrances. The Resistance transports, which were rectangular, were flown to the cave entrances, carrying provisions for the Sullustans. The Resistance camp's missile system was activated.

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