Invading the Resistance Base

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Kylo and the Knights of Ren had landed on the surface of Crait, in the area behind the base's destroyed shield generator.

As they got out of their TIE Silencers, they were met by Captain Phasma, a garrison of stormtroopers and flametroopers, and male officer wearing a First Order suit. Phasma and the officer saluted Kylo.

"Officer Bahn, at your service, Kylo. The Resistance is sealed up in their base, and it is well defended. We have to find a way inside"

"Have you tried blasting your way inside the base?" asked Rey.

"Well, yes, but the door is made of Ortanium, and therefore it regenerates when we fire at it. The Resistance has learned from our use of the mineral" replied Captain Phasma.

"Very well. I will deal with finding a way inside the base. There are several passageways in the mountains around here. One of them may lead to the base. Follow us" said Kylo.

Kylo and the Knights of Ren walked in front of Phasma and her squadron. The officer and the stormtroopers followed Kylo as he walked to a cave entrance which stood to the right side of the destroyed shield generator. The cave entrance was circular.

Kylo and his squadron got to the cave entrance, and they entered it.

"Lights" ordered the officer.

The stormtroopers activated the lights on their rifles, allowing them to see the cave. They walked further into the cave passage. The red minerals in the cave walls glowed.

After heading to the end of the passageway, they turned right.

Inside the base, the Resistance soldiers stood ready.

"The First Order will attempt to get into the base so that they can destroy us. We must be prepared for them" ordered Major Ematt.

Master Ezra stood with Rivan on the far end of the base.

"I sense a dark presence here" said Ezra.

"What exactly could it be, Master? The Knights of Ren?" asked Rivan.

"Yes, it is highly likely. We must keep our guard up" replied Ezra.

Ezra and Rivan headed out of the hangar into the hallways of the base.

Snoke also saw the worldship explode. He screamed in anger and used the Force to destroy the window on his throne room. Veedus crouched and put up his hands to defend himself from his master's wrath. 

Snoke then took a deep breath and walked back to his chair. He turned on his holoprojector and contacted Fritarigus.

"Fritarigus, I need an update on your fleet's progress at the Core Worlds" said Snoke.

"Yes, Supreme Leader. Our fleet is blazing through the Core Worlds. The New Republic is totally undefended and unprepared for us.  We have taken Corellia and Kuat, and are currently fighting to take Coruscant" replied Fritarigus.

"Good. Once we have crushed the Resistance here, I will head to Coruscant to preside over the creation of the New Galactic Empire. Continue fighting" said Supreme Leader Snoke. 

Snoke turned off his holoprojector.

On Crait, Kylo Ren and the Knights of Ren continued to scour the cave passage for a way into the base along with the stormtroopers. The narrow passageways forced the stormtroopers and flametroopers to walk nearly in single file.

"We are getting closer" said Kylo.

They reached a large cave filled with red crystals. The cave had a waterfall on its front.

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