Chapter 12

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Jenn POV

Things I have learned over the past month:
1. Long distance really is tough
2. Long distance is made worse by a three hour time difference.
Conclusion: I hated long distance, but it was worth it.

Truthfully, I didn't mind the waiting. The time difference was something we'd both forgotten about, me more than him. There'd been a few times I'd skyped him around ten my time, which was around 1am his time.

I'd been looking forward to today for what seemed like forever. Playlist was this weekend, and most of our YouTube network was going. Even if Andrea woke me by throwing a suitcase on top of me.

The only bad thing about Playlist was flying. Most of the LA YouTubers took the same flight. Too many personalities on one plane for four hours just doesn't work.

We had finally landed in Florida! I was waiting at the baggage claim for my stuff to come around. Surprisingly, there weren't any viewers at the airport waiting for us. I guessed our plane was long enough before playlist that nobody thought we'd be there. Bored, I took out my phone.

New Message: Jack💙 turn around.

I glanced over my shoulder and had to do a double take. Yep, he was really there. And in that moment, I just didn't care anymore. I spun around and ran to him, nearly knocking him over.

"How...How did you know I was here?" I asked.

"I've got my ways," he replied, gesturing to Connor and then holding up his phone. "Conspiring to surprise my girl. Hope you're not mad."

"Jack, that's so sweet. Thank you," I murmured in his ear.

"I can't believe you are here, in my arms as my girlfriend. I mean, if that's what you are," he stammered.

"I'm whatever you want me to be. Girlfriend works," I laugh. I reach up to kiss him for the first time in a month. Our lips meet only for a couple seconds before he pulls away.

"Not here. Too many people. Once we get to the hotel, ok?" he says, giving me another quick kiss.

"Jenn! Shuttle's here!" Andrea shouts.

"See you at the hotel, alright?" I say.
So how was that?! So, after I uploaded the last chapter, I saw another comment for a Jia fanfic. I'd love to do it, but it'll come later on. Two stories is plenty enough for now. So, how's life? idk I like talking to y'all.
Thanks for reading,
~Lauren 🐩💅🗿

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