Chapter 1: Beginning of A New Adventure

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SUMMARY: Its been years since Ash, Brock, and Dawn split up. Dawn hasn't traveled for 2 years, because of a certain plum-haired jerk. Her mother, and May convince her to travel once more. But what happens if she meets the certain plum-haired jerk once more? PaulxDawn, slight BarryxDawn & KennyxZoey

Chapter 1: Beginning of A New Adventure

     "Dawn, time for breakfast!" Johanna yells to her daughter who is sleeping upstairs. The 15 year old blunette groans, and covers her head with her pillow. Johanna starts to go up the stairs, after not getting a reply from her daughter. She opens the door, and walks in Dawn's room.

    "Dawn..." Johanna starts, as she walks closer to her half-asleep daughter. She leans down to Dawn's head, which is still under her pillow. "Its pancakes." She whispers, and Dawn sits up slowly, turning to her mother as she does.

     "What kind of pancakes?" She asks, and Johanna smiles.
     "Blueberry." Johanna tells her, and Dawn sighs, throwing her legs over the side of the bed. "See you downstairs, Dawn." She says, and leaves the room.

Dawn's POV

     I watch my mother leave the room, closing the door as she does. I yawn, and look around my room. It is Almost everything in my room is pink, which makes it seem pretty dull. May has said before, that my room makes her feel like she is gonna turn pink herself. May is my best friend, well aside from Zoey. We all met while competing in Contests, I met Zoey first. Right from the start I knew we were gonna be great friends. And as for May, we met when she decided to come to Sinnoh, to compete in the Wallace Cup. It was a really close battle between me and May, but I won in the end. Now that I think about it, I haven't seen either of them in a while. I wonder how they are doin-
     "Dawn hurry up, or the pancakes will get cold!" Mom yells, successfully interrupting my trip down memory lane.
      "Okay, I'll be right down!" I yell, and rush to the shower. I get out of the bathroom, and grab a outfit from my closet. I get dressed, and hurry downstairs. I sit down at the table, and my mother smiles at me.
     "What took you so long? And is this a new style your trying out?" She asks, gesturing to my clothes. I look down, and gasp. I'm wearing a bright pink tank top, a green skirt, and blue sneakers. I blush a light shade of pink, and eat my pancakes.
     "I wasn't really paying much attention to what clothes I grabbed. I can always change, so no need to worry." I admit, smiling sheepishly. Mom chuckles, and shakes her head.
     "That's when I worry the most." She smiles, and we finish our breakfast silently. After I finish, I am about to go upstairs and change. But then someone knocks on the door. "Dawn, can you answer that?" Mom asks, and I sigh.
     "Sure!" I yell, and rush to the door. I open it, and gasp. It was May! She was wearing her orange and green outfit, that she wore when I saw her in Sinnoh. She smirked at me, after looking at my outfit.
     "Trying to make a fashion statement Dawn?" She giggles, causing me to blush a little.
     "No, not really. Why don't you come inside, and sit down. I'll go get changed really quick." I say, and she nods.

Narrator's POV

     May sits down, looking around the living room. Johanna walks into the room, and smiles at May.
     "Hi May, what brings you here?" She asks, and May smiles.
     "I was just wondering if Dawn was gonna start traveling again soon." May tells Johanna, who sighs.
     "She has been home for such a long time. I'm beginning to worry about her." She admits, and May smiles.
     "I'm sure everything is fine." She comforts Johanna, who smiles. Dawn walks down the stairs, and is wearing matching clothes this time. She is wearing the same pink tank top, but a pair of jeans, replacing the green skirt. and white sneakers replacing the blue ones. Her hair was up in a ponytail, and she smiles.
     "Okay, so why are you here May?" She asks, and May smiles.
     "I was wondering if you were gonna travel again anytime soon." May admits, and Dawn's smile vanishes.
     "I-I don't think so." Dawn says, and sits down.
     "But its been so long. What about Hoenn? You haven't traveled there yet." May says, trying to convince Dawn to change her mind.
     "I just don't feel up to it." She says, and May frowns.
     "What happened to you Dawn?" May asks, and Dawn looks down, remembering her last encounter with Ash's cruel rival, Paul.

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