~Stricly Business~

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It was happening. Max's worst nightmare. Victoria Chase was here. Right in front of her. This was something out a horror film. If Victoria even had a knife, pretty sure she would cut Max down to pieces.

Mrs. Chase spoke up.

"Mrs. Caulfield, you have arrived. We called your higher up and explained to him that you will be speaking with us before running to your hotel room."

Mrs. Chase and Victoria looked the same almost. Only difference, she was more mature and her hair much longer, tied back. Dressed in the finest pant suit Max has ever seen. Max looked like a deer in headlights. 

Mrs. Chase watched Max, closely. "Excuse me, Mrs. Caulfield?" she sounded slightly concerned.

"Mm! I'm sorry uh..long cab ride" she explained. Max was sweating pin balls. She grabbed her messenger bag and made her way closer to the Chase family. Victoria was staring at her. Eyes shooting daggers. So it felt.

Max swallowed, dryly. "God...she hasn't changed. Victoria still holds some kind of grudge against me" she thought.  Mrs. Chase looked over at her daughter and cleared her throat. The pixie haired girl whipped her head around. 

"Yes well, I would stay and chat, Maxine; but as a Chase; I have some reputation to up hold. Besides my parents wish to speak to you alone" Victoria hissed, displeased no doubt.

"Au Revoir~"

God. It's Max. Not Maxine.

And that response. That damn bilingual response.

 The way the words slid off Victoria's tongue was all but bitter sweet for Max. The photographer bit the inside of her cheek, hard.  The two shared one last look before Victoria was on her way. Meeting friends for coffee or to smoke a bowl like she did when attending Blackwell. Who knew but Max didn't care right now. Strictly business right?; Right? 

This was going to suck.

"Victoria already saw me. I wanted to remain in the dark from her but remember; Josh and Kate said the same thing. I have work to do" Max roared in her head, trying to convince herself she was more then Victoria played her out to be. It was working. Sort of.

"Now please, dear. Come inside" gestured Mr. Chase, opening the doors, slowly. His hair was a darker shade of blonde. Green hazel eyes graced his face. A clean face. Pores and all. Well they could afford it. Max rolled her eyes behind them, treading cautiously.  

Max was sitting in what seemed to be a parlor room. It was a living room almost. only there was a bar and a pool table across from it. Mrs. Chase sat down on the leather encased couch. God it was like they killed a cow out back and just made the couch right there! Max's eyes shifted towards Victoria's father at the bar. Making a drink for himself and pouring a glass of wine for his wife.

"Max, do you prefer any scotch or wine?" he questioned.

Max shook her head, cheeks turning a slight pink. 

"N-no sir; water will be just fine"

Mrs. Chase let out a small giggle.

"Victoria said you didn't misbehave while attending Blackwell but you're of age now" She questioned. Max ran a thumb along her bag strap across her chest. "I never really like doing such activities like that; I prefer taking photos or playing my guitar when I have time, of course" she sounded so quiet. A mouse could probably talk louder then her right now. Mrs. Chase smirked; amused by her nervousness. 

"No, honey; Max is here for business; not to share in our life style; maybe we should get this meeting under way."

Ouch. Now we see where Victoria gets her arrogant attitude from. 

Sipping at the glass of water, here and there; Max was given a small file on the photographer she will be snapping shots of. Jennifer M. Frye. Living in London but coming over to meet young photographers and low and behold be snapped by Max Caulfield for one of Portland's high rated art magazines. James Wells knew he choose the best. 

Max sighed, heavily. Biting the inside of her bottom lip. She was conflicted with an issue. Not the dead line for getting her work started and finished but; Victoria Chase. Victoria fuckin Chase was in Seattle as well. 

"Maybe she is visiting and plans on leaving back to Arcadia Bay or lives somewhere else" Max thought. She squinted her eyes for a second. Damn it, Max. Don't worry about Victoria.



(sorry for this chapter; I'm back at work after my holiday so it's hard to get the gears grinding all the way; but I'm taking my time here so I hope you enjoy what you have read so far; stay with us, alright? Things are just heating up for our dear Max)

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