Part 3

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Peeta's P.O.V
The kids come running out, looking upset because they think Haymitch and Effie aren't here. I almost feel bad, but I know that will soon change. Just as they approach us, Haymitch and Effie yell " Suprise!" The look on their faces is priceless. Rye runs to Haymitch and Willow runs to Effie. Haymitch picks Rye up and spins him around, and Effie just embraces Willow in a huge hug. I put my arm around my wife's waist. Man, I love calling her that. My wife, Katniss Everlark. Haymitch puts Rye down, and then throws Willow over his shoulder like a sac of potatoes. Effie hugs Rye, and they all start talking. Effie talks about girl things with Willow, and Haymitch and Rye just catch up. We all walk slowly back home, and as soon as we get in, Katniss and Effie start cooking dinner. The rest of us go sit down, well, the kids do for at the very most five seconds, and they go play tag. Me and Haymitch chat, for a long time. " So, are you worried about the election?" I ask him. "No. Why on earth would I be? Nothing bad can happen." He says, happy. Oh no! He obviously doesn't know that Snow's granddaughter is running. "Well, um you know Sno-" I start "Dinners ready!" I'm interrupted by Effie, in her cheerful voice. We all gather, and the ladies have prepared a meal of turkey, potatoes, veggies, fresh bread, and an apple pie for dessert. We all eat, and soon enough the kids finish first. They are excused, and speed upstairs. We all talk, but as the conversation ends, the tension builds up. Suddenly, the T.V turns on, and Caeser Filickerman appears on screen. We all instantly get up, and go and sit in front of it, and I call the kids down. "Childerbeasts, come down!" I shout up the stairs. "Ok dad!" I get in reply. We all patiently watch as the people who are running to be president faces pop up. After about 3 people, she pops up. "Celestia Snow" that too familiar voice says. The kids are still tuned in to the T.V, not knowing who she is. The four of us all exchange glances, as the look of shock spreads across Haymitch and Effie's faces. Cressida pops up and the kids start cheering, so we do to. Then it gets to the part when all the nominees read speeches. When they are done, Caeser gets the honour of reading the winner. "And the winner of the election is.....Celestia Snow!" He reads out happily. The crowd in the Capitol cheers, that's when I realise. They don't know. They don't realise. They don't know SHE is SNOW'S granddaughter. The kids just sit there, and so do we. She clears her throat, and makes her way to the podium. "Thank you. Thank you so much. It's a dream to be here. I will now sign the papers." She says smiling. She writes her signature on the official documents. She is now in charge of us. "Okay. So I just wanted to say, yes that's right, snow was my grandad. And you know why I'm here? To avenge him. Yep, that's right. He was right for what he did. So, let me announce this to you. This year shall be the 77th annual hunger games! May the odds be ever in your favour! Happy hunger games!" And with that she walks away. The screen instantly turns off, leaving us all there, in darkness. Katniss grabs my hand, and that's when Willow screams. "You can try and kill us again if you want, but it won't work! My family has survived two hunger games and a revolution! So I'm not gonna die! And there's nothing you can do you fool!" Then she runs into my arms, and Rye runs into Katniss'. I sit her on my knee, and she starts to cry. "Yeah that's right! We have survived! And we will!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2018 ⏰

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