nr. 8 - the babyshower

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Dot, Betty and Veronica were sitting in her room the next day. "You want to throw Polly a Babyshower?" Dot asked Betty. The girls had filled her in on the plan to lift Pollys spirit up and maybe even mend the relationship between their parents. "That's the plan. I just don't know if it will really make her feel better." she added, looking at Veronica. "It will, B. No doubt about it. Now we just have to get your mom and dad there." she added. "Well, then let's do that." Dot said.

"A Babyshower? Do I have to come?" Jug asked Dot. She chuckled, putting her hands around his waist. "Most definately, Juggie. I'd imagine you are an amazing Babyshower planner." she said. "And you'd imagine right." he said smiling back. "Great, then it's a date." Dot said. "That it is." Jug said, giving her a kiss.

"Well, it's getting late. I should get home." he said. "Yep. Just across the street." Dot laughed. "See you tomorrow." Jug said. "Yeah." Dot said, slowly letting go of his hand. "Bye." he said as he walked out the door.

Just then Octavia walked past him into the house. "Hey, Jughead." she greeted as she set down her things. "Hi." Jug smiled back, then walked away. Octavia closed the door, smiling at her daughter. "Well, what were you two lovebirds doing?" she asked.

Dot roled her eyes amused. "Talking, mom. Betty and Veronica are throwing Polly a Babyshower." she explained. "Oh yeah." Octavia said sounding somewhat unimpressed. "You think it's a bad idea?" Dot asked curious.

Octavia breathed in heavily before speaking again. "I'm kinda siding a little with Alice on this one." she said. "You want Polly to give the baby up for adoption?" Dot asked outraged.

"No, not that. But, Polly might not be as ready as she thinks she is. You, my little mouse, were born when I was nineteen. I thought I could conquer the world, or at least manage to raise you. You're dad was with me and your grandparents were, despite first doubts, on my side too. At first, everything went as smoothly as it could be for a teen mom. But then that accident happened and as much as I wanted to hold on to your father, I quickly realized that I was living in this American Dream bubble. 

Husband, children, job, house with garden and dog and all of that despite the fact that I had never even been seriously in love with someone other than your father. You, I don't regret one second, but having you that early, I kind of do. So no, I don't think it's a good idea to force Polly to give the baby up but throwing her a Babyshower, as nice at it is, might not make life easier for her. She's gonna have to work for that happines everyday, while finishing Highschool and dealing with the fact that the babys father was murdered." Octavia explained.

Dot stood in front of her, having quietly listened to the story. "I do believe in Polly. And I do hope the Coopers come around." she said. Octavia nodded. "I hope so too. For Pollys sake. And the babys." she said. Octavia streched out her arms and brought her daughter in for a hug. "You know we can still get that dog." Dot said into her moms shoulder. Octavia laughed "Oh no, you're cat is enough for now." she said.

On friday afternoon, Dot walked over to Archies house to meet with Jug. She closed her cardigan as it was getting colder and colder outside. This year has passed by pretty quickly. And it was very eventfull and probably wouldn't stop to be just that.

She was about to knock on Archies door, when she was cut off by him and Jug walking out. "Woah!" Archie said as he almost ran into Dot. "Hey." Dot said laughing. "Hey." Jug said walking ahead to give Dot a kiss on the cheek.

"Where you headed?" Dot asked. "To my dads construction site. His crew just bailed on him to work for Clifford Blossom, so we're rounding up some of the guys to help him until he finds another crew." Archie explained.

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