nr. 29 - a new threat

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Dot looked at herself in the mirror. The grey hair dye was starting to fade. She sighed. "Great." she mumbled. Octavia walked into the bathroom. "Try turquoise." she said. Dot raised an eyebrow. "You think?" she asked. Octavia walked up to her. "I think it would suite you." she nodded.

She ran her fingers through Dot's hair. "I remember seeing your blonde little head on your first day of school. You walked into the building hand-in-hand with Monty and looked back at me. For a second I thought you'd run back and refuse to go in but you just waved and kept walking." she told her.

"Why are you telling me this?" Dot asked. Octavia shrugged. "I'm not sure. Relieving old times, I guess. I don't see you nearly enough." she said. "Well, between me going to school and solving local misterys with Jug and you working all day, I guess there's no time to see each other." Dot said.

"You know," Octavia said, leaning against the sink. "I was thinking we could go back to Kansas. To visit Grams and Gramps." she went on. Dot stopped going through her hair and looked at her Mom in the mirror. "Are you saying we're moving again?" she asked. "What? No! Well, maybe. I'm not sure yet, Dottie." she sighed.

"Mom," Dot said. She turned around to her. "Why?" she asked. "I remembered Riverdale as my childhood home. A safe place. Clearly I failed to see that this isn't a picture perfect town. Murders, Drugs, Gangs and now Hiram Lodge who is tearing down a School to build a Prison in it's place. Maybe we should move back to Kansas." Octavia explained.

Dot sighed. "I found friends. Reconnected with Kippi, Teddy, Dad, Betty, Archie and Jug. I'm dealing with what happened to Pat now that I'm away from Kansas. I am finally not this monotone little mouse anymore. Everyone at my old School hates me," Dot said. "They do not." Octavia told her. "Yes, they do. Because in their eyes, I got Pat killed. I have Monty, but that's about it." she sighed, throwing her hands up.

"I see your point, but I don't think it's gonna get much better in Kansas. At least here we have people, friends, who have our backs and are always ready to help us. Can you tell me even one real friend you had back home? I don't think so." she said. "I'll think about it. When it's time, I'll let you know." Octavia said. Dot nodded. Even though the prospect of moving away from Riverdale nearly broke her heart.

Dot sat at lunch with Kippi and Teddy, jabbing her fork into her food. "Are you okay, Miss Dorothy?" Kippi asked her. Dot looked up. She nodded and went back to staring at her trey. Kippi and Teddy exhanged worried glances. Dot wasn't like this. She was too quiet and they didn't like it.

"Dot, you don't seem okay." Teddy said. Dot quickly realized that, until further notice, she'd have to act like everything was okay. So she sat up straight and smiled at them. "I'm really okay you guys. I promise." she said. She knew the two weren't totally convinced because once again they exchanged a worried glanced but quickly dropped it again.

"Do you guys wanna come over later? I'm dying my hair and need some help with that." Dot said. "I'll be there." Kippi told her. "Me too. I wanted to ask you something anyways." Teddy said. "Shoot, Teddy Bear." Dot said. Teddy laughed a little. "Okay, so here's the situation. I'm thinking of running for Student Council President," he said.

The girls immeditaly cheered. "Teddy for President, wohoo!" Kippi cheered. "Shhh!" Teddy asked. "Dottie Dearest, my favorite cousin," he went on. "You're only cousin." Dot added. He ignored her. "Will you be my running mate?" he asked. Dot pursed her lips. "Vice President Dorothy Cahill?" she asked. "And her assistant Kippi Goode." Kippi said, raising her fist. Dot pounded it. Then turned back to Teddy. "I'm in, Tedward." she said.

"Awesome!" Teddy said raising is hand. "Come on, don't let me down." he said as Dot hesitated. Dot smiled at him, shaking her head. They've been doing this dance since they were five-years-old. She high-fived him when suddenly a little further off at another table, Ethel Muggs poured a Strawberry Milkshake all over Veronica.

Dorothy Gale; 1 | [RIVERDALE] UNDER CONSTRUCTIONWhere stories live. Discover now