Chapter 1: Peaceful Slumber

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All characters belong to Cassandra Clare
Clary blinked slowly, the light hurting her eyes. Hastily her mind whirled into action, recounting the previous days events. The movies with Simon, seeing some showing of Star Wars, the plot of which she could not remeber even if her life depended on it. And then dinner at the institute, which Isabelle (sadly) cooked. They only barely survived, having to swallow some to avoid suspicion, but spitting most of it out into their napkins. Jace looked genuinely concerned for her safety the entire meal.
Then they headed off to bed, not before Alec threw up, though. Isabelle looked as if she might explode into a million pieces like the demons she killed so often.

They walked their way barefoot down the carpeted institute hallways, Jace holding Clarys waist to keep her warm the entire way. Though the Institute was very modern with all the demon-hunting equipment, they had not yet invested in a good heater, and the stone walls did little to keep out the fall chill.
Upon reaching Jaces room, Clary suddenly jumped up as high as she could, and with Jaces expert reflexes, he caught her, holding her up to him, level with his eyes.
"And what are you planning on doing, may I ask, Ms. Fairchild?" Jaces eyes laughed with delight at her little trick.
"Oh, you know, the usual, ordering Chinese food for breakfast, with all black coffee. But did you mean right now? Well, I simply had to reach my taller boyfriends mouth somehow." She finished.
Before Jace could even respond her lips were on his. Their backs pressed up against the institutes cold walls, mixed with the warm pleasure of Jaces lips on hers, Clary felt exhilarated. His soft lips fit hers perfectly, as she let her hands run wildly through his hair, his doing the same. When they finally pulled away from each other, after at least a good ten minutes, and one disturbed look from Church, the Institutes cat, they were both smiling. And exhausted.
"I've been wanting to do that all day," Jace told her.
"Well, I have to! What a coincidence, Mr. Herondale!" Clary laughed.
"I love you," Jace told her with certainty.
"I love you to, Jace. And I will keep reminding you so you never get distracted with all of the girls staring at you everyday we go somewhere, and that is a promise, until the day I die, and if I die before you, I will haunt you with that promise." Clary said.
"Well, can you blame all of the girls? I mean, I am stunningly attractive." Jaces eyes danced in the witchlight and shone gold.
"But seriously, Clary, if you died before me, it wouldn't be living anymore. I will never love another living and not-living soul the way I love you, Clarissa Fairchild. And that's a promise."
Clary could have cried right then and there, but Jace hugged her, and every emotion except for overwhelming safety and love was forgotten.
"Shall we step inside now, then, Clary?"
"Why yes, we shall, Jace."
They both laughed at each other and Clary was undeniably happy. She hoped Jace felt the same way.
Looking at him, she knew he did.

They both walked over to the bed, Clary curling in on the right side, and Jace wrapping his arms around her protectively on the left side, their bodies fitted perfectly against each other as Clary drifted off into a peaceful slumber.

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