Chapter 4: Training

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Just then someone jumped out and yelled "boo!" And apparently assumed Clary hadn't trained much. Well, the person was grabbed by the arm and flipped over onto their back.
Clary gasped and helped him up.
"SIMON!" She yelled and hugged him so hard Izzy was worried he couldn't breathe.
"That, never happened when I scared you when we were kids," Simon laughed.
"Yeah, well, I wasn't training to fight demons and go into a war when we were kids either," Clary told him. "Your lucky Jace didn't try to step on your throat," by now Clary was laughing to.
Simon walked over and kissed Isabelle on the cheek.
"Hey, Izzy, how ya been?" Simon asked her.
"Oh, you know, the usual, fighting demons, catching up on all of the Star Wars movies you said I'd like. By the way, they are pretty cool," she said, blushing.
"Anyway, Simon, what are you doing here?" Clary asked him.
"Well, I signed up to be backup for this Institute when they said that they needed other Shadowhunters here." Simon explained.
"Wow, it's just still so weird seeing you with runes everywhere and talking like a Shadowhunter," Clary said.
"Well, that would generally happen, when one actually becomes a Shadowhunter," Simon joked.
"Anyway, I was told to come up here and train. And I figured who better to let beat me up than my lovely girlfriend?" He gestured to Isabelle.
Isabelle laughed. "Your on, Simon. But if I kill you, then it's totally not my fault, you signed up for this," everyone was laughing now.
"Perhaps I shall choose my lovely girlfriend to train with," Jace or his arm around Clarys shoulder. Alec looked seriously hurt.
"Oh, come on, Jace, I can face both you and Alec," at this Alec looked happier, but Clary thought that was just because of the suggestion of him being able to beat her up. If he could. She was a lot stronger now, so he was in for a surprise. Then again, he did have more experience...
"Clary. Clary. CLARY!" Jace was snapping his fingers in front of her face. "Are you with us?"
"What, yeah, just, daydreaming." Clary laughed a little.
They got to the training floor, and Clary picked up a short staff, Isabelle just used her electrum whip as a staff, of course. And Simon also had a staff, and Jace and Alec both had short staffs as well.
"You ready?" Jace asked her.
"Yep," Clary answered strongly.

Jace jumped into the air, intending to knock Clary down, but instead he managed to land on the ground. Clary had easily rolled out of the way gracefully and was already on the other side of the floor.
"Very good," Jace told her.
Just then Alec came up form behind her, but Clary sensed him. Before he could get a hit off with his staff, she reached behind her, grabbed the top of his training weapon, and spun around, ripping t out of his hands, and knocking him down, after catching him off guard.
She pointed the staff at his neck, knowing she had beat him. He looked sad.
"I'm going to go get someone else who doesn't have rune powers and extra angel blood to battle," Alec looked a little embarrassed. Jace failed at stifling a laugh, and him and Clary burst out laughing.
Jace jumped in front of her, and she blocked his hit, but he had control over her staff, and she couldn't move it. He was pushing her back towards the wall. She knew a nasty trick she could do, and seeing as it was her only chance, she decided she would do it. Jace had her pressed completely against the wall, and she leaned right up and kissed him. She intended only to distract him, but she melted into the kiss, running her hands over his hair, and his bare back. His lips fit perfectly with hers, and she felt wildly free with that kiss. Then she remembered what she was trying to do. Jaces hands were running through her hair, as well as hers were, and as soon as she felt them move, she flipped over straight above his head, and before he knew what was happening, she was behind him, and had both staffs, aimed at his neck.
"I win!" Clary laughed.
"Okay, Fray, good move. Although I don't think you'd want to do that to a demon." Jace was laughing to, his eyes were dancing.
Clary laughed at his use of her fake last name.
When she glanced over, Simon and Izzy were making out.
"Guess we started a trend," Jace observing.
Clary burst out laughing again.
Simon and Izzy stopped kissing and looked genuinely angry. It just made them laugh more.
"I guess we're done with training for today," Jace choked out his words, further trying to prevent himself from laughing so hard he coughed. "How about the Pandemonium?" He brought up his offer from before.
"Well, we actually are in a war now, but, I could use a break,"Clary agreed.
"I'll go, I need an excuse to wear my new dress," Isabelle told them.
"And I'll go," Simon said, "because I want an excuse to see Izzy in her new dress." We all started laughing.
"So, lets all go get ready, and meet back here in an hour," Isabelle told everyone.

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