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"Why are they all pointing at you?" I lean across the table and ask Liam who is busy highlighting a line in 'Dracula'.

He shrugs and looks up at them before smirking, "I fucked the blonde at that party last night."

"Isabella told me you were dating Merle West?"

"Merle West? Who's that?"

"Glass eye?" I point him in the right direction as the bell goes for registration. I start to pack up my stuff but he stays sat.

"Oh yeah. She was easy though. Didn't mean nothin'." The way he says it makes it sound so morally acceptable, you know, causally having sex with a load of girls and then forgetting about them. "I'm not into that relationship stuff." He shudders and watches me pack away.

"That's horrible." I mutter. I'd feel awful if I found out I was just and easy shag, and that's what I was to Corey. An easy shag.

"I'm not forcin' anyone! And I never do it with drunk girls. Ever."


"I promise." He sighs and I can see that promising mentally drains him. "But I don't want to talk about that." He takes my bag from my hand and drops it by his feet, I start to protest but he only ignores me. "I want to talk about this." He leans back against his chair and proudly presents the latest magazine issue from his jacket pocket.

"What about it?" I mumble, sitting back down.

"You. You wrote this!" Liam flicks over to page sixteen where my article sits proudly. It's a pathetic article on what it's like being a female guitarist in the 80s. It could've been better but I've been so busy with these sessions and planning them that I haven't really had the time.

"It's rubbish-"

"Well, yeah, it's not that great..."

I slap his arm at that comment causing him to chuckle.

"You never mentioned it though."

"The magazine?" I shrug, attempting to pull it away from his grasp but he only pushes my hands away.

"No, the music thing."

"It never came up."

Liam looks at me suspiciously and folds the magazine back into his pocket with a smug grin etched onto his face. "I was just a bit shocked. You're more interestin' than I thought."

What a lovely backhanded compliment. The bell rings again, the last only a warning bell, and I stand up, slinging my bag over my shoulder in one swift movement. "See you next week."

"No wait up!" He catches my arm, cheeks red. "I need to ask for your help."

I groan, "What now?" Blimey, I'm already giving up one of my lunchtimes to help this lad and now he wants more help? I don't know if I've got enough inner strength for that!

He nods and pulls out a crumpled up piece of paper from his pocket. "I sing a bit, in a band and stuff..." He trails off and flattens out the stained paper. "I don't play guitar or any of that shit, too busy doin' other stuff." What other stuff? Clearly not any work judging by his grades so far this year.

Liam hands me the paper and I can quickly see that they're lyrics for a song. "I wrote these up. I want to show 'em to my band but they won't give one if there's no guitar part."

I know exactly where this is going, and I'm not too mad about it.

"Here's an idea," I begin, hands on hips, "get off your arse and pick up a guitar! It's not difficult!"

Smashed Pianos ~ Liam Gallagher Where stories live. Discover now