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This book will be about Mafumafu and Amatsuki.

Yes, I ship them! (and before you ask, I ship Soramafu as well, so please don't hate me(✽ ゚д゚ ✽))

I have many reasons why I ship them. Mostly because I think they're just cute together. Mafu being the tiny cute one and Amatsuki being the funny one~

This story is pure drama...I'm sorry. I just love sad and dramatic stories~ but be warned, it will also include (a lot) of violence! Poor Mafu has suicidal thoughts * ^ *

Also, I don't know when I will update the story. I update when I feel like it. Sometimes it's weekly and sometimes it's like once in three months (+_+)

Anyways, I hope you'll enjoy reading

And please excuse my English I hope it's readable😂 (not my mothertongue waai!)

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