Thank You Mother

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I'm going to start off by saying, I thank you even though you left us here broken hearted. I'm going to say I bless you, I'm going to say I love you even though you not only left us but most importantly you abandoned us. I sometimes used to believe that you don't deserve any of these words, or sometimes I used to think I don't mean any of those words. I will always pray peace for you even though you started this whole damn war in this family and in me. There are times when I wonder if you ever think you did your best of loving us. I used to be so convinced that I feel so much hate towards you. I'm so sorry mother for feeling this type of way because now I know you never got the chance to be yourself; got the chance to find who you are, or even got the chance to live life the way you wanted it to be before you started to settle down. I truly believe that one day we will give you a second chance of forgiveness but I hope that God will be easy on you once is time to pay the consequences of abandoning us; your own blood. I believe that there is good in you; there is always good in everyone no matter what. So therefore, before it will be too late to do this when you it's your time to go to heaven I shall give you another I thank you, I bless you and I love you even though I sometimes don't understand why you left us here all alone without you doing your job of being a mom to us. I have somehow truly convinced myself that you leaving us gave us the results of who we are today. Here is another I will always wish you the best, another I will always pray peace for you and another I will always love you even though you left us here all alone without one good memory we can forever cherish in our lives and our hearts. Here is a question I sometimes ask our dear Lord why do I miss so much of something I never had? How can that be possible? Maybe it's something I desire so much. I JUST DON'T KNOW!!!. I JUST WANT ANSWERS AMD CLOSURE!!! MOTHERRRRR??!!!!GODDDD??!!!! PLEASE GIVE ME ANSWERS!!! IF NOT GIVE ME YOUR BLESSINGS!!!!

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