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DILLON sighs as he locks his phone for the one hundredth time in the past two minutes and lies back down on his bed. Nina had just left to go home and Hugo was on another date with Jasper, so Dillon had nothing to take his mind of his thoughts. The thoughts that had been eating him alive for the past six months.

Closing his eyes and taking a deep breath, he gets up from bed and walks down the stairs to where his dads are sitting in the living room with his 3 month old sister, rocking her so she doesn't start crying again.

"Dad, papa." he says walking slowly towards to room, growing more and more nervous the closer he gets to the entry to the room.

"Dill, what's up bud?" his dad says moving over to make room on the couch for him.

"I need to talk to someone - well, I need to talk to you both."

"Of course son, we're always here for you. What's up? girl trouble? I saw Nina leave pretty quick"

"What? no, Nina and I are fine - we're great actually"

"Okay? you didn't get her pregnant did you? I mean you're sixteen and I know that you're-"

"Lukas, I swear to god if you finish that sentence you're sleeping in the guest room tonight" said Noah. Dillon, mortified, replied "Oh my god dad no - no I did not get her pregnant. That's insane- I'm- what" he stutters out, trying to get his head around what his father had just said.

his father laughs, "okay, anyways, what were you going to say?"

"I've been so stressed lately and I don't know if you've noticed-" "oh, we've noticed" "-but I've just had a lot on my mind. And I don't know what to do because I'm so scared. Scared about what you guys will say and what everything will think and I'm not prepared for people to look at me different. I'm so scared." by the end of his rambling, Dillon can't make eye contact with either of his fathers, knowing that they know exactly what he is talking about.

"Dillon" his papa said, grabbing his hand for reassurance "you know, whatever you're going through, your father and I will always be here for you. No matter what. And I'm not going to pressure you into tell me what's wrong, but please just know that whatever you're going through, you're not ever going to be alone. And I know things are difficult when you're a teenager, trust me. I know. But please just know that you're not alone. Talk to me, okay son?"

taking another deep breath and closing his eyes, Dillon says "I'm bisexual."

There's a pause

"And that's fine. You can like whoever you want, it doesn't matter. It doesn't change the person who you are. You're still Dillon Hayes - you're still a great person-" "and boys are cuter than girls anyway-" "Lukas, I swear to god shut up" "sorry"

"Thank you Dad, thank you Papa. It feels so much better knowing that you don't hate me" Dillon says, a feeling of relief flowing through him

"We would never hate you. Now come give me a hug"

𝖿𝗋𝗂𝖾𝗇𝖽𝗌 | hugo weasleyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora