The Wolf Hunter Mate - XLIV

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Kalessies POV

I look up to see Aarics there his face freshly shaved and his hair messily combed through.

His tie is loose but still remains and he's still dressed in his formal attire while I lay here with a shirt on and these very revealing pieces underneath.

He stretches his hands out towards me and with one swift motions I'm pulled up and into his chest. My heart goes into over drive and I can hear the blood whooshing in my ears.

Without even a second thought he smashed his lips on mine and immediately my arms circle around his neck while our mouths attack one another.

"You smell so amazing." He comments between kisses. I pull back gasping for the air that my lungs so desperately need but without a second to spare his lips travel down my jaw and to the sweet spot that only he knows to find.

My breath quickens and my hands can't stop fidgeting his lips on my skin are making me feel things that I wouldn't even be able to imagine. I tug at his hair and a feral growl leave the back of his throat giving me confidence.

His lips are still sucking on that spot and I feel my legs begin to quiver from both pleasure and nerves unintentionally a small moan leaves my mouth and his hands tug at the shirt I'm wearing but before he could even think of pulling it off I hop down off the bed and push him into it.

"Someone's confident." He comments as he takes off his tie and kicks off his shoes

I stand there unable to move. I have no clue on what to do I've never done this. His eyes watch me like a lion waiting to strike upon his prey and my heart quickened.

Before he can notice I'm in experienced I straddle his lower body and kiss him with every burning passion I have. I start to undo the buttons on his shirt which is relatively hard since my hands won't stop shaking and in an instant he flips us over and he's back on top.

"Are you scared?" He questions slowly undoing the buttons himself. His eyes shine from black back to the green color I desperately love.

I lie shaking my head no and a laugh comes from his throat.

"Amica Mae, I know I'm your first." He smiles and my heart drops. How does he know. What am I kidding it's so obvious.

Lying I speak into the dimly lit lighting of our room. "I've had sex with guys before." And with the growl that leaves his mouth I know I've landed into touchy territory.

His hands fly up and I shield myself away from harm only to open them I find Aarics eyes eyeing my heaving chest that falling up and down due to my breathing.

"Don't lie to me." He speaks through clenched teeth and his eyes go a darker shade of green. Embarrassed my cheeks grow red and I cover my face with my hands.

"I find it sexy how innocent you are to this whole thing." He smirks and stand up to pull off his slacks. Unintentionally my eyes fall to the growing budge in his Calvin's and I shift my eyes away as fast as they fell upon it.

Pulling me to the edge of the bed where he stood his hands go to my neck pulling me up so his lips and meet with my own again.

My hands freely roam around his back and chest feeling all the scars Clara told me about.
He pulls my hands away from his body with a moan.

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