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I sat in my office feeling extremely off for the day, I could still remember the argument I had with my family---my grandmother(ring leader), my dad, my mother, and my little sister(assistant ring leader)---they have been on my shoulders to get married, I know I have to get married one day but I haven't even met the girl I want, and right now marriage is not on my agenda, I still have a lot of things to do with my life, I still have a lot of companies to conquer, contracts to win, awards to win, branches to open, than spend my time planning for a wedding.

As I said I'm not against marriage, it's just being the CEO alone is time consuming, and I don't even have any interest in women--not that I don't have my flings, I have a lot--but I still haven't found THE ONE, and I don't have time searching.


Ever since my best friend Leo brought an invitation home that he was getting married, my family has never given me breathing space, to then top it all up, Leo asked me to be his best man for that occasion, just that gesture alone marred me 'cause my parents believe that I am supposed to also be getting married and doing something with my life like settle down and have a family of my own, to then murder it all up his wife just had their first children--twins--early this year to my joy and dismay.
Ever since that news reached the ears of my family, my destiny took a new turn and I'm suffering for it now.

"Hey man, why so down cast". Leo asked in the stupidest dramatic way as he was seated on the chair opposite mine, for the last twenty minutes, as my thoughts came flooding.

"Isn't it all your fault". I taunted him, cause practically half of my problem is his fault, selfish huh?

"Hey! What's my fault?" He said putting his hands up as a form of surrender for what ever I have in thought.

"You're asking me that question, who asked you to go get married and make me your best man". I said pissed to the bones.

He just sat there and begun to laugh, like the jerk that he is.

"H-how is that my fault huh? I-I bet they are giving you a hard time right?" He said in between laughs, holding his stomach. He has been aware from day one that my family have gone hulk slam of my bachelor issue.

"You can't imagine, even little Ginger has joined their group, it is like a gang up at home, I can't even come back from work and have a shout and noise free ear, it is hell down there I tell you HELL". I say placing my elbow on my desk with my head placed in between my palms.

"I can imagine; remember when my parents did the same to me and when ever I talked to you 'bout it you just laughed the topic away, enjoy it man, it is pay back". He said also sitting in the same position as me only that his chin was resting on his palm and he was staring at me and pouting, making me surrender to his idiocracy.

"Ya, payback is a bitch". I say feeling defeated, I Michael McIntyre CEO of the country's best shipping company and also one of the to ten in the world, feeling defeated, what is the world turning into?

After a few contemplation, the thought of someone came to my mind and I had to ask, cause it had been years since I last saw him.

"Have you heard from Miles lately? Since I got back, I haven't seen, tried calling him but it always say unreachable or switched off". I say sitting upright and placing my back on the chair.

Looking up at Leo and I could see his expression turn from tease to irritation.

"Same here man, he said he was going to California for aunt Meg's treatment, he said she had cancer, but he didn't give me the full detail". He said also sitting up as he face turned serious.

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