Alexander (Miss Mimi Roleplay)

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Name: Alexander Williams

Nickname: Alex

Gender: Male

Species: Mostly demon with some human heritage

Age: 15 soon to be 16

Appearance: Look above. He looks human but has a slight redness in his brown eyes. He also has glasses but doesn't always wear them.

Personality: Kind and sweet with a loving side. He is somewhat of a flirt and is a major nerd and bookworm. Can get pretty upset if you prank him or make him mad. Loves cute things and people. Can get nervous and clumsy if he is near a crush or if something happened.

Backstory: As a child he never knew his parents or what he was until he found himself with Miss Mimi. He was left to fend for himself since he was 4 and the orphanage he was at kicked him out. That was because they were scared of his power and he could not remember what happened. When he was ten he found himself to Miss Mimi and has been there ever since. There he learned what he was and exactly what his powers were. He despises his parents whoever they are and enjoys being at the house. He never wants to leave.

Other: He is bisexual and hates being a demon. His powers let him control shadows and anything that is darkness. He also can use simple magic and he is able to teleport with his darkness and powers. He loves reading and listening to music.

Password: Pancakes


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