InFAMOUS Roleplay

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(I really want to play the games but I don't have a PlayStation. I watched a few of videos of Second Son. I also used the wiki)

Full Name: Ash Carter Williams

Alter Ego Name: Gavitee

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Power: Gravity manipulation (More explained at the bottom) When he shoots bolts and does blasts they are usually a dark blue color. His eyes also change color when he uses the black and white holes, his eye color turns black or white. If he uses his power to become lighter his eyes become a light blue-gray and if he becomes heavier his eyes become a darker stormy gray. If he uses his hole powers it drains him very quicker and he can also focus them into beams, but that requires concentration and drains him faster. When he makes a gravity area (think lawbreakers game) the possibilities are zero gravity, increase and decrease gravity. He can also make others and himself become orbits and summon spheres that do that too (again think lawbreakers). He uses bolts/shots, blasts (small and larger ones), and does little harm attacks in close combat (pretty much the zaps). His gravity source replenishes itself on its own but is not infinite, he drain gravity from zero gravity generators or someone else's gravity areas. Even though he has all those powers, they are blocked and he just doesn't use them. Sorry if this is confusing.

Appearance: Regular look it above and costume is the white one, if messed up he has the red. He is 6'2 an weights 150 lbs, he is skinny but has muscles and is strong.

Signature Weapon/Item: A pistol, throwing knives (has six) a combat knife and his hands.

Sexuality: Bisexual, leans towards guys

Personality: Ash is the type of person who doesn't pick sides, unless he feels really strongly towards the subject and is forced too. He is the morally grey person or the anti-hero because he does good things but he doesn't have a problem with ending someone's life. He  is very friendly and kind to most people but on the battlefield he just does give a **** and is ruthless, sometimes. He loves to read and sketch but also like training since that is all he has known. He also gets a bit shy and nervous towards people he likes and he is really close with. He also is protective and loving of the ones he holds dear.

Theme Song: Above

Backstory: (I am horrible at backstories 😫) Ash was born into a very large and strict family who were champions in almost all forms of hand to hand combat (basically he knows a bit of all the fighting styles. He is basic in most but is adapt in the most common forms (karate, taikokwn do [I totally miss spelled that], judo, etc). They taught him how use most forms but he just uses the one he finds necessary. They also taught him how to use other forms of weaponry. Not long after his sixteenth birthday he entire family was killed in a major accident on the subway and he managed to survive without a scratch, he found out later that his powers. He is know just a vigilante and mercenary who just wants to find a way to be normal again or as normal as he could be.

DemonicXeno17 Let me know if I missed anything or messed up on.



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