What Happened?

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What do you do when your crush shows up on your doorstep beaten and looking broken inside? That's the problem I'm currently trying to deal with. "If only I knew what happened to Jaden," Jesse said allowed as he paced up and down his living room.

It was only an hour or so ago now that Jesse was awoken by a loud banging on the door of his apartment. As he opened the door a very tired and obviously beaten Jaden collapsed into his arms. Jesse did want he could to take care of Jaden's wounds as well as dressing him in some of his own spare clothes.

"I just don't know what to do," Jesse said, clearly exhausted as it was nearing 3 in the morning. He couldn't sleep though. He needed to be awake in case Jaden woke up.

"Do you have any ideas?" Now to most, it would seem like he was just talking to the open air but in reality, he was talking to the purple cat-like duel spirit currently sitting on the couch.

Ruby just simply tilted his head to the side and looked at his friend. Ruby wanted to help, give some words of encouragement but had none to give.

"Yeah. I thought as much" Jesse says and moves over to the couch to pet Ruby. "It's nice having someone to talk to though."

Ruby nods them makes and almost yawn-like sound.

"Go to sleep Ruby. I'm fine" Jesse says, petting the cat-like creature once more.

Ruby looks at him a moment before vanishing.

Just then Jesse heard the door to his bedroom creak open. He turns to face the doorway, seeing Jaden there almost looking normal aside from the fear and hurt that lingered in those deep brown eyes.

"Oh, you're awake. Sorry If my yammering woke you" Jesse says and takes a step closer before stopping when he notices Jaden nearly taking a step back. "Something wrong Jay?" He asks. He didn't want to startle his friend.

"You saw didn't  you?" He said, raising a hand to clutch at his chest.

It didn't take long for Jesse to get what he meant. "I don't care about that Jay. You are who you are"

The fear in Jaden's eyes lessened a bit at Jesse's words. It'd been a long time since someone had actually excepted him once they found out.

Jesse saw the change in Jaden's eyes and took a hesitant step forward and seeing that Jaden didn't move he walked over to his friend. "Jay, what happened to you?"

"I'll answer that but would you mind making me something to eat while I talk?" Jaden asks.

'At least his stomach hasn't changed' Jesse thinks to himself. "Of course Jay," he says and walks with Jaden to the kitchen. Had Jaden been in better shape he'd have probably walked ahead to get preparation started but as he was Jesse didn't know how long his legs would hold out and wanted to be there if they did.

Luckily they made it just fine and Jaden sat down at the small table and started his story.

Jesse listened intently to Jaden as stumbles through his story. It was clear that with how he was treated was, he was having troubles getting the words out but Jesse just let him talk, let him go at his own pace. It couldn't have been easy to talk about, even to someone you trusted. Jesse sure had a hard time holding back his rage when Jaden hit the worst parts of his story. It's really a wonder Jaden didn't have any broken bones or worse.

"It started out as a pretty normal day. I was in domino and I ran into Syrus so we were talking and catching up since it's been a while when a lady spilt water down the front of me. I didn't really mind it. She hadn't meant to do it so I wasn't  gonna make a big deal out of it but Sy insisted we go to his place so I could change into something dry." Jaden paused there a moment "that's kinda how Sy found out. He came in to bring me a towel while I was shirtless. You can say he was less than fond of the idea. So I decided it'd be best to leave"

Jaden continued with his story. His words hitting Jesse hard when he talked about what the gang did to him. As the story finally came to an end Jesse sat a plate of fried shrimp and mash potatoes in front of Jaden, earning a slight smile from the brunette.

"Thanks, Jess," he says softly and starts to eat.

Jesse only nods and sits next to his friend. "I'm glad you trusted me enough to tell me all of this. And I'll do everything I can to help you just say the word"

Jaden nods, unsure of what really else to do. He trusted Jesse but didn't want to come off like he was using him either.

(I know I kinda just skipped a lot of Jaden's story but I didn't really feel like typing it out and I'm sure if it's not clear yet it will become clearer as the story goes.

Tell me how you guys liked it and feel free to follow and read some of my other works if you enjoyed this one. Starting with this story I'm gonna be updating only when I get 10 reads or one review. As I don't want to write it out if no ones gonna enjoy it.)

Your Friend in me (book one)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن