How to Begin Moving Forward

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Jesse found himself sitting on the floor next to the couch as Jaden snored softly in his sleep. After being told the story and allowing Jaden to eat the two of them had moved to the living room to watch some movies.

Jesse hadn't been paying much attention as he'd seen the movie a few hundred times before but instead was trying not to burst with frustration. Sure he didn't care about the changes to Jaden's body, like his wings, tail and other parts but he wanted to ask so badly how he'd gotten them.

'The answer to your question is rather simple' Yubel said and chuckled lightly at Jesse when he jumped.

Yubel appeared next to Jesse, hovering as they usually did.

"And what might that answer be exactly?" Jesse asked. He'd be lying if he said he wasn't slightly put off by the presence of the spirit but with them being part of Jaden for some time now he had learned to cope with that feeling.

'These changes happened back when Jaden and I merged as one. They were subtle changes at first but grew into what you see today as time went on' Yubel says in their matter of fact manner that they usually had.

"I see. So that means this was sort if unavoidable then?" It wasn't so much a question as to how he said it like one. Yubel seemed to understand and simply nodded.

'It's caused quite a bit of confusion among Jaden's friends. They don't seem to know how to take it and most seem to think he's been lying to them since the beginning though I don't know that it's possible for him to have been hiding things like that when he'd get dressed around his roommates who seemed to have the worst reactions.'

Jaden groaned softly and shifted slightly on the couch. He may have been asleep but it was clear he was hearing what they were saying as his peaceful dream seemed to become less of such the more Yubel talked.

"Your minds are linked to his so maybe it isn't the best idea to have you explain this to me right now. He needs his sleep and I think the information I have for now will satisfy my curiosity a bit." Yubel simply nods to this and disappears, presumably back to their resting place inside Jaden.

'But to think that everyone would turn him away for something out of his control. Chazz I can understand but Syrus and Hassleberry of all people Id have never imagined doing this to him' Jesse thought as he shifted so he was sitting parallel to the couch before laying his head on the edge.

He watched as Jaden's face slowly reverted to that of a peaceful expression before falling into a light sleep.

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