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"Thank you so much for dinner, but I really need to get home," I say sitting at the table, I sat between Alice and Rosalie. And across from Jasper, who kept staring me intensely. It sent shivers down my spine and back. "Of course, Rosalie why don't you drive her?" Says Esme.
Rosalie smiles nodding happily. "Come on, Amara, but first I need to get my keys," she smirks, when I look back, the whole family were gone expect for Jasper. "Hi?" I wave, he just kinda stares, not creepily but like lovingly.

When he doesn't say anything, I look around the house avoiding his stare and golden eyes. My heart pounding, when suddenly I felt calm and less anxious. "You're a good painter," says Jasper. I look at him,"mmm?" I hum. "You're a good painter, I saw the one you did in Art the first day of school," he says again walking to me. I didn't what to do, so I stayed where I was.

Until he was a foot or less away from me, he stops. "Thanks, I didn't know how I did though, never really had a good creative mind, its always been Academics," I say confuse myself. "Maybe just newfound talent," he says smiling a little, his lips tugging at up into one. I fought the urge to kiss them, I shook my head out of my thoughts, I can't think like that. Can I? "Maybe," I say awkwardly shifting on my feet. I slightly look down, more interest in my shoes. "Though personality I'm scared of my drawings," I mumble and he was able to hear.

"Why?" "They seem to come true, I don't know. I'm psychic," I say. "You're psychic?" He questions. "I'm something, I'm probably loosing my fucking mind right!" I yell but I take deep breathe and step back. "I'm sorry," I mumble. Before he could say anything, Rosalie finally comes back. "Come on, Maria!" She smiles. I say goodbye to Jasper before swiftly walking after Rosalie. She drives me to Charile's house, I step out, Rosalie's car was so fancy and elegant looking compared to the houses and all the cars here. She was beautiful too, a pretty blonde with golden eyes and fair white skin. "Thanks Rosie," I smile. She glows up with a smile. "It was no problem, Maria," she says. "Night!" "Night!" I wave as she drives off, speeding down the road back to the Cullen home. It was nice to have friends like the Cullens. I walked in the house and Charile, he didn't hover over me when I walked. He was waiting there, not mad or arms crossed. He was just chilling on the couch like always watching the news or football. He yells back over his shoulder," How was your friend's?" I close the door as quiet and gently as I could. "It was good," I say loud enough for him to hear.

This lining smile stayed on my face. He doesn't ask anything afterwards and I sneak upstairs, but Bella was waiting for me and she had her mama bear face. Arms crossed and her foot stepping on the wooden floor, her brown eyes stared at me. No, not at me. Through me. "I thought you're going to be back by 8?" she asks, like a.... Mother would. I was mad. I love my cousin, but she's my cousin, not my mom.

"Why do you care?" I snap. She was taken back by my outburst. "Because you're family and I wanna make sure you're safe," She says trying to act the innocent card. "No you're trying to be my...," I take a deep breathe," Mother. I need you to be my cousin." I walk pass her and before entering my room. I look back at her as she stares speechless at me. "At least you still have your parents." And with that I walk into my room and I never come out again. I change into pjs and I lay there. When I heard something from the window,

I look up at my open window that faced the woods. My brows fused up in confusion, I get up - pushing my homework aside. I slowly walk to my window and close it, but it refuse to go down. I grow frustrated and gave up on closing the stubborn window. Tried from the day, I started to nod off when I heard something. I wasn't asleep yet. I had a vision of a man being chase when he was killed. I scream. Charile and Bella run in. "Amara what's wrong?" asks Charile. "I-I saw something," I stuttered out. "Dad I got this, go back to bed," says Bella. Charile respects her wishes and leaves us be. Once he's gone, Bella looks me. "What happen? Are you okay?" Before I can answer, she says," Look I'm sorry for being a mom back there. I just don't want to lose you like them and to see you without a mom, I don't know. I felt like I needed to be that figure for you, but I guess I don't uh?" She asks. I shake my head, I couldn't seem to find my voice. "Alright, now what's wrong? You were screaming," she says.

"I saw something, three people killed a worker, a man. Cool blooded killers," I stutter shaking. "I'm sure it was just a dream," she says before waking out of my room. I stared out into the hall where she left into only seconds ago. "But I wasn't sleeping," I mumble to myself. Maybe I was finally going crazy

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2017 ⏰

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