June 25th (Part Two)

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I had found myself in a Topshop Dress with nude pumps standing in front of the mirror. Mel looked beautiful black and white swing dress. It was almost  7:15 and walking with heels would be hard for me so I had to leave sometime for us to walk there without causing me severe pain. Dad complimented us on how we looked.

" You two look so beautiful." He fixed his glasses. 

" You look very dapper as well." Mel replied.

We made our way to the hall were it was decorated beautifully and the changeler glistened from the ceiling. I heard a live band playing in the background as waiters came around with orderves. 

I saw Katrina from far away and other familiar faces as they all looked at me with symphatetic eyes and gestures. I can't stand the people here sometimes , they expect us to bring up the conversation about my dead mother. Sorry. No can do. 

I found myself avoiding eye contact with the people in the room so I instead decided to make my way to the chocolate table. Where it usually is. The chocolate fountain glistened as I skewed a strawberry onto it and dipped  into the chocalte heaven. The young men waiters looked very clean cut in their formal uniform. Some of them stared at me as I began to take seconds.

" What? "I covered my mouth so the chocolate wouldnt ooze out. 

" You're the first girl under 50 thats touched the chocolate machine. All the others want to keep their figure." He said. He was quite cute , his dimples were so big I could probably stick my finger into it. 

I grabbed another skew. " Says alot about my character." 

" I'm Evan." He put out his hand. I swallowed the pinapple and then shook it. 

" Al." 

" Is that short for something ? " He asked. He handed me another skew , I declined.

" Alexandra. Is Evan short for anything ? " I joked.

He sighed. " No I guess I'm not as cool as you."

I gave him a sarcastic sympathetic look. " Face the facts. I must go I heard theres a meat buffet." 

" Over near the band ." He pointed to the left. I thanked him and made my way to the filet mignon. 

I was served and sat next to my dad and my sister as they talked to others. I kept my head down and ate as other sent their condolences to us. I had found one of the dance instructors Orien who I was very fond of. 

"How you doing kid ? " She asked as she pushed her long black hair behind her shoulder.

" Pretty good, the food here gets better every year." I joked.

She smiled at me. " I wanted you to know that anytime you want to dance in the studio just call me. " 

" Of course. I havent danced alot of you know.." I looked around to see where my father was. "Hip Hop ." 

" He still doesnt know , doesn't he." She replied.

" He thinks I only dance Ballet still." I slumped in my chair 

" My mom was the only one that knew about me dancing both to keep both of them happy."  I continued.

She sighed. " I hope you tell him before he gets hurt." 

I nodded. She patted my shoulder and walked away. How could I tell my father that for the past nine years of my life I've been a style of dancing he hates and one he loves. And that my mother was lying to him for that long ? I kept looking around for my father , I knew this time wouldnt be the best time but I felt like I needed to. As I twisted my head in different directions I found Liam sneaking out of the hall with that boy I just met , Evan. 

Where were they going? I got up and told Mel I needed some air. I took my clutch and walked outside to follow them .  I took off my heels and walked barefoot across the grass. I followed them until they reached the studio .The studio ? Why were they going to the studio?

I spied through one of the windows in the back and saw a couple of people taking off their clothes and putting on sweat pants and long tank tops. They're gonna dance. I grabbed my phone and suddenly the music started to play. Three boys stood ( Evan being one of them) in front of the mirror with their caps on so you couldn't see their faces. As 'Blurred Lines' by Robin Thicke came on they began to move. Then another group came one with boys and girls . Thier moves were sick and they just seemed so energenic.

(Watch video on right)  

 I stood there in awe as I video taped it.  I opened the window a bit so I could hear what they were saying.

"Sick moves tonight Johnny." A girl said as she grabbed her gym bag.

He smiled at her. "Thanks." She left the room and another boy came up to him. The one who had just danced with him.

" Thats the 4th upload this week. I say tomorrow we put up another one with Lindsay in it . " He smirks as he stares at her ass. 

" She's some eye candy." I think Johnny said. He took off his snap back and grabbed his adidas sweat bag. The other one grabbed Johnny's bicep.

" Be here by tomorrrow 11 , k ? " He declared.

" Sam I'm working the golf caddy job tomorrow. I can't" Johnny said. 

So I guess the other boy still in the snap back was Sam.  " Get Liam to work for you. "

He shrugged and nodded. " Alright , alright." He smiled.


I woke up around 8 in the morning and pulled out my adidas sweatpants and adidas crop top. I found a pair of white converse in the closet. I looked around the suite as I left the room and took my sweat bag. I made my way to the studio and found Orien. 

" Y-your here. I thought you wouldnt step a foot in this place again." She was warming up.

" Well I'm here because I want to dance. " I said as I dropped my bag.

I began to warm up when Sam came in. His brown eyes widened and he took off his hat. He began to warm up right next to me. He put out his hand.

" Sam." He smiled.

I shook it. " Al." 

" Is Evan coming ? " He asked Orien. 

" No he got stuck doing the breakfast catering."  He replied. He sat on the floor as he stretched his arms , he scooted next to me.

" So Al you dance , huh ." He smirked.

I nodded. 

" Not some ballet shit or real hip hop ? " He asked me.

I scoffed. " Just Hip Hop." 

Summer in VanDaan Hills   (WATTY AWARDS 2014)Where stories live. Discover now