June 27th

16 1 0


I found the only pair of heels I had brought this summer. Their silver and have spikes all around them. I told Mel I was off to the pool.

" I'm going to go take a dip . I heard they renovated." I said.

" Have fun." She said.

Before I left . I pushed the hair out of my face and turned around. " Hey I didn't here you come in last nigiht ? "

She smiled. " I slept over with some guy I've been crushing on since last summer. "

I smirked. " What's his name ? "

" I never kiss and tell." She laughed. She went back to reading on the couch.

I walked to the studio and Johnny was the only one there. He was wearing a greay sweatshirt and sweatpants. He fixed his beanie and nodded to me when I walked in. I put my things on the ground and brought out the ballet bar.

" Please dont tell me you're a ballet freak ? " He sighed.

" Sadly I dont just dance hip hop . " I replied.

He continued to get the camcroder ready as everyone else came in. Sam told Orien that the newest plan for a dance was his best one yet.

" I'm telling you this is the one." Sam told Winnie.

" You say that everytime . " She replied.

Everyone began to sit in the studio. Sean stood right in front of the mirrors as he clasped boht hands together.

" For this weeks dance. We need to do something new and exciting. Fine China was just a test run. For the 1st round , I say we crash a restaurant ! " He shouted.

Everyone began to cheer and highfive eachother. " New Hampshire's capital Concord is having a new urban restaurant opening . The restaurant is called Noveau Grill and Bar. The opening is this Saturday and we are going to make sure that this dance leaves an imprint."

Crash a restaurant. You're joking Sam.

Johnny sat right behind me and tapped my shoulder.

" You okay ? You zoned out ." He asked.

I did? " Yeah I'm fine. I was still processing the crashing a restaurant thing."

" Al did you bring the costume ? " Sam asked.

I nodded. " I just brought the heels.T-thats all you wanted ."

" Good. Let's get started." Sam says . I go up near the mirror as Sam grabs something from his duffle bag. Its a grey dress with black studded bra and and a masquerade mask.

" Your full costume." Sam smiled. I thanked him and we practiced until Lunch.

After practice I ran to the pool with Winnie and jumped in it. Mel would notice I'm bone dry when I go back to the cabin so this was the only way. I had put on a bikini underneath my outfit just in case. I dived into the pool and Winnie sat at the side.

I came up from the water and sat right next to Winnie.

"Do you know what Johnny's problem is ? " I asked her.

She smirked. " That hot boy's in an idiot. That's his problem. "

" True ."

" Speaking of the devil." She points to the lifeguard spot.

Johnny was climbing the ladder to the lifeguard seat. He was wearing red shorts and had his sunglasses on to cover his hazel-green eyes. When he spotted us , he waved with no enthusiasm and turned the other way.

Summer in VanDaan Hills   (WATTY AWARDS 2014)Where stories live. Discover now