June 26th

15 2 0


I fixed my long tank top and twirled it around my finger. The mirrors in the room reflected the light and Sam got up.

" So you Spanish ? " He asked.

I scoffed. " Puerto Rican and Swedish ."

He nodded . "Latin Blood. I like."

I rolled my eyes. " And you ?"

" Half Mexican"

" Shouldn't you be practicing to be apart of a Mariachi band right now ? " I asked.

He rolled his eyes and he turned towards me. " Very funny ."

Orien was on her phone as the door opened and a bunch of people came through.

" Al this is Benny Boy , Evan , Sean , and Johnny."

Johnny. His green eyes looked straight at me. He immediantly turned the other way when I tried to make eye contact .

Sean put out his hand. " Nice to meet you." He still had his breakfast uniform on.

I shook his hand as Evan waved at me from the other side of the studio.

Sam whispered in my ear. " You wanna see a show ? "

" Why not." I stepped back as he pulled Johnny's arm.

" The pretty girls wanna see a show." Johnny rolled his eyes and nodded.

" Alright , alright." He unbuttoned his waiter shirt and changed into a Pink Floyd tee while Evan put more gel in his hair.

" Evan the ladies already love you ." Benny said.


My eyes began to shut as Mr.VanDaan contines to talk and talk .....and talk as dinner was being served. I fixed the collar on my jean jacket like 6 times already and Mel was making a face to me.

" And lastly . I would like if everyone would just pull up their glasses towards the Rivera table.."

My face turned pale as everyone in the room looked at my family with sympathetic eyes.

"To the strong family who has endured such hardships this past year." Mr.VanDaan smiled. Everyone toasted their glasses full of champagne.

The night went on and during dessert , Sean slid a napkin on my table. I looked at Mel who was talking to a boy and dad was talking to Mr.VanDaan across the room .

I slid the note under the table and read it.

Tonight 10:30 at the studio.

I checked my phone 10:13. I looked at the clothes I was wearing : A skirt and a collared blouse with flats. I tapped Mel on the shoulder .

" Im going to head back to the cabin . I dont feel too well." I told her.

She nodded. " There's alkaseltzer in the cabinet above the sink. I'll see you later.'

I nodded . " Tell dad. " She nodded in reply.

I left the hall and ran back to my cabin as I checked my phone. 10:20.

I ran to my room and took out a pair of adidas leggings. I pulled off my skirt and put on a gray plain t-shirt. I ran to my bathroom and tied up my hair in a ponytail and brushed my teeth. If I was going to see Johnny , I might as well have nice breath.

I found my pair of Air Jordans and grabbed a duffle bag. It was 10:34 when I made it there and everyone was stretching.

Benny came and patted me on the back . "Told you the girl would be late."

Orien and another girl with blonde hair stood behind her . She put her arm around me and pulled me to the other side of the room.

" Benny and boys made  a new dance and he wants everyone to learn it ." She said as she was tying her hair into a ponytail.

I nodded. " Then we post them online." She slurred out .

"Online ?"

The blondes spoke . " Of course. The dance team that has the most views by the end of the summer wins their own dance studio."

" It's called YouTube's ultimate Dance Show off . The first qualification is that 400 teams will make it to first round . They have to get over 150,000 views by June 30th . "

" Well , let's not just stand here." Johnny said rudely. "Let's do this ."

    " I think the girls should sit out for this one." Johnny said as he took out black hats from his bag and threw them to Evan and the other boys.

  Benny handed me the camera as set it up on the stand. The blondey whos name is Winnie takes the laptop and presses play for the music. 

Johnny. Benny. Sean.Sam.Evan. 

(Watch Video) ----------------------------->

After they recorded Benny began teaching some of us the moves for Talk Dirty by Jason Derulo . As we went though , only one part wasnt sticking and everytime I did it I almsot tripped over Johnny. Until almost came true. 

  " Watch where you're going." He said rudely.

I nodded shyly and stayed as far as possible away from him. 

Orien rolled her eyes at Johnny and he shrugged. 

" What she almost fell on me. "  He replied to the look she gave him. 

       It was almost 1 am when I ran back to the cabin. Mel wasnt in her room and dad was sound asleep on the couch so I tiptoed back to my room. I opened up the ground balcony in my room and closed the curtains. I laid in bed in the clothes I wore to the studio just thinking about the dance and how I could prove myself to Johnny.

 The next day I changed into nude flats and a summer dress for breakfast. As i picked through my omelette I saw Johnny standing near the bathrooms with Sam . They were both in their waiter uniform. I excused myself from the table saying I had to go to the bathroom and walked up to them.

   " I want in. " I told them.

    They both look confused . " Did you hit you're head or somthing and trying to aske for ice ? " Sam said sarcastically.

 " I want to dance with you guys." I said.

    " It takes more than talking you know." Sam groaned. He flipped open his waiter's notebook. He was writing something on it , totally ignoring Johnny and I's arguement.

 " No." He said.

" Yes." I said.

" No." 

" Yes. I could stay here all day." 

" You're omelette's probably getting cold." 

" I'll just send you to get me another one." I said sarcastically.

"Just let her in." Sam finally said. I smiled. He rolled his eyes. 

" This isn't for you," Sam spoke. " I just wanted you to shut up." 

I nodded. Johnny rolled his eyes sarcastically. 

" Then you and her can be the lead in the next dance." Johnny said. As we all went our seperate ways Sam handed me a note. 

 ' Practice tomorrow for the dance. Bring heels and you're sister.She's hot ' 

 I rolled my eyes and went on to finish my , rather cold, omelette. 

Summer in VanDaan Hills   (WATTY AWARDS 2014)Where stories live. Discover now