Chapter 1 - Emuishere

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So, the tabby cat lied.

The airports had no more boarding passes for the next flight to New York.

The nearest port to the airport wasn't Port De Nile.

And the next boat leaving the port wasn't a 'cheap yet luxurious ferry ride, happy to take in children if needed.'

And now, I was curled up as a cat, stowed away behind thousands of crates containing golden coloured plates. Well, very big plates with handles on the underside and the letters 'SPQR' emblazoned across the front. I wondered why they'd be on a delivery ship addressed to 'Goldsmith Winery'.

In the dim light, my ginger fur and pudgy body reflected off the plates with a golden tint, so different to my human form with wavy jet black hair and a tall, thin stature. The only likeness to my true self were my vivid green eyes, now heavy with sleep. It wouldn't hurt to close them for a few moments...

Bam. A dream. Because gods forbid Emuishere Badawy should get a good nights sleep. 

I was back in the 1st nome, the home I'd never venture out of for over 13 years. But it wasn't home anymore. Panic reigned. Magicians ran through the ruins of houses. Of my house. And Desjardins, the blasted [expletive deleted], had his wand raised, holding someone in the air. I squinted through the green light and saw... Uncle!

The dream held my scream in my throat. Up in the air, beams of green light held him still, but he strained against the bonds, his green eyes full of defiance and his dark hair glistening with sweat.

"Well?" Desjardins yelled.

"Well what?" Uncle replied, through gritted teeth and restrained winces.

"Where is she?" Desjardins shouted. "The filthy demigod!" He spat out the word 'demigod'. I shivered. I never imagined my plight could cause this.

"Demigod?" Uncle replied, a smokescreen of calmness thinly disguising what could only be shocked realisation. "I don't know what you are talking about."

"YOU KNOW PERFECTLY WELL OLD MAN!" Came Desjardins rageful reply. "Emuishere, your niece!"

"Em-Emuishere?" Uncle faltered, his shock plain. The dream held my tears in and I choked back a dry sob.

"Yes!" Desjardins replied. "The child of the accursed Bast! Tell me where you are hiding her!"

"I assure you sir..." Uncle's voice was shaky. "I am hiding no-"

"Lies!" Desjardins spat. "Tell us where you are hiding her or your death will be as painful as I can possibly make it!"

"Oooooh, what were you planning?"

"Probably impaling... But that's irrelevant!"

"Would be good though..."


"A painful, public death to show your people that you have the power in this city."

"I- that's actually a good idea!" But why- hey!" Desjardins exclaimed. "You're mocking me!"

"Never sir!" Uncle feigned shock. "I would never-"

"Shut up!" Desjardins yelled. "Guards!" 

Two stocky men came forth, raising their wands in synchronisation. They plucked Uncle out of Desjardins' green light and held him in a joint beam of red. Then, as if they were wind up dolls, they marched off in perfect rhythm.

"A painful, public death..." Desjardins pondered. "Yes, that will do nicely..."

"Desjardins!!" Another guard came forward. "The other one is missing too!"


"No sir!" The guard squirmed uncomfortably. "Well, yes, but-"

"AHHH!" Desjardins screamed. "INCOMPETENT FOOLS!"

He raised his wand in anger.

I woke up.

I gritted my teeth in panic. I knew two things. Desjardins knew what I was. And he was going to kill my only living family because of it. But who was the other demigod?

And was Will ok?

I knew one other thing.

I had to go back.

But as soon as I had this thought, a shadow fell across me. It was human, a girl I would think, but it swore like a monster when it saw me. It reached down the pick me up, muttering something about tarts.

I had to go back.

But the truth dawned on me.

I couldn't go back.

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