Chapter 15

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"What are you going to do?" I asked.

"We aren't going to intubate her. We're going to turn up the oxygen flow, suction out her nose every 30 minutes, and get her started on antibiotics," Natalie said.

"What happens if those things don't work?" Severide asked.

"We'll cross that bridge if we get to it," Natalie said.

Will squeezed my shoulder gently before leaving the room, Natalie following close behind. A nurse came in a few minutes later with a bag of IV antibiotics and a bulb syringe. She offered to teach Severide and I how to do it so that we wouldn't have to be interrupted as often.

"We both know how to use a bulb syringe. I'm a paramedic," I explained.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know," the nurse said, blushing.

"No, you're fine. I'm not offended," I said, shooting her a small smile.

The nurse finished sucking the build-up of mucus out of Eden's nose and set the blue bulb down in the corner of the crib. She did a final check of Eden's vitals and the oxygen mask before showing me how to hold Eden to help her breathe. As I stood there, cradling my daughter, Tina Cantrell walked into the room.

"Ms. Cantrell. I wasn't expecting you," I said, immediately clutching Eden tighter.

"Relax, Miss Everly. I'm not here to take Eden away from you. I heard what was happening and I figured you could use a bit of good news," she said.

I immediately felt the tension leave my body as Tina reached into her bag. She pulled out a large manila envelope and handed it to Severide. He opened it and pulled out a large stack of papers.

"They're adoption papers. For Eden," he said, his eyes wide.

"I spoke with some people and they think that Eden would be in good hands with you two. However, there is a bit of a complication. As of right now, you two are not engaged or married. As you know from Mr. and Mrs. Casey, there are many difficulties with co-adoption when the parents are not together," Tina said.

"Kelly and I are together. We just aren't engaged or married yet," I said.

"I understand that. But dating holds minimal weight in court. This is not me trying to force you two together, it is simply me explaining what complications could arise should you decide to move forward with this process."

"We would love to move forward in the process, but Kelly and I have only been officially dating for less than four months," I said.

"We'll figure it out. We don't have to decide everything right now," Severide said, sliding the papers back into the envelope.

Tina nodded and gave us one last smile before leaving. I looked down at the infant in my arms as she started coughing. Readjusting her so that she could breathe more easily, I looked over at Severide.

"I love you," I said.

"I love you too," he said.

He walked over and kissed me sweetly. I felt an overwhelming sense of comfort at the feeling of Severide's lips on mine. There was an unbelievable amount of relief in knowing that even at a time like this, the man in front of me would always be able to piece me back together.

"Sorry to interrupt, but I need to check on Eden," Dr. Manning said, sliding the door open.

Severide and I broke apart and Natalie took Eden from me. Kelly hand rested lightly on my waist as we watched her take Eden's vitals.

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