Friday April 4 2014

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Hey Watties! I don't know, Watties just came to mind.

I've decided to change this "book" to a blog! Yay! So... I have a lot to blog about today. First, you should know a bit more about my daily life.

As you all know, I have a weird name, and that's hard to live with sometimes. I've always been the one who gets picked on, not because of my name, but because I cannot stand up for myself. I just think its hard. I don't ever have comebacks or anything.

I'm in seventh grade. I live in a small town in Oklahoma. My friends are Zoe, Reagan, Addi, Maggie, and Danielle. I have brown hair... Well, nevermind. I'll put a picture of me as my blog cover and call it good. Or just look at my profile picture, I don't know!!!!

On Mondays, I have horseback riding at my favorite place in the world (Ruby Canyon Ranch) on a 18 year old Hanoverian named Vamp. She's a dark bay and she might be my profile picture soon.

Ok, my day sucked like crap today. I'll explain, because this is my new venting place, ok? Ok great.

So in sixth grade I move to Oklahoma and I starts this thing in English with this guy named Horace. (Not his real name) So this year Horace has been getting from just teasing funsies to full on being an asshole.

Yeah, I said that and I do not cuss without reason.

So today was the state academic meet and he had to qualify at our last meet before state. Just Liberty's luck ikr... so today he was being mean as usual. Let me tell you what happened :/

So about six weeks ago my dog (he's dead now) was really sick and Horace hears me and Maggie talking in the hall about it and says "I bet that it's your fault. You probably malnourished him or something."

I wheeled around, fists clenched. "No, I did not," I hissed. "He has a freakin tumor and is about this close to death.

I will finish post tomorrow I need sleep...

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