Chapter 1

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My hand fell out of the covers and into the cold air. I squeaked and jolted awake. My eyes searched the dark room. A ray of sunlight fought to peek through my curtains. I stood and my bare thighs shivered, my arms did the same. I slipped on my robe and walked to the window opening the curtains. Looking out at our city. My adopted mother called to me. I turned to the door and back to the window. Sighing I walked to my closet. "Kara Silverwing!" Mother yelled. "Yes mom I know. I can hear you." She opened the door "I know you can but can you answer?" She said sarcastically. I smiled to her and looked for my normal Erudite  attire. Today was the choosing day, the day I would choose Dauntless... My mother sighed "Is it safe to choose Dauntless? Many have been found there and..." I sat next to her "Mom, it's fine. I have all my other pack members going there with me. Maybe my mate too." She cared about me. She may be my adopted mother but she loved me the same. She was my Beta's mother - Tammy. Tammy was my Beta and best friend. My pack was the longest surviving pack since the war. I stood and changed it my cloths. Tammy peeked in and smiled at me "Stunning as always Alpha?" I looked at Tammy and smirked "Yeah, yeah, I'm as stunning as a piece of wood." She rolled her eyes and took my hand "We should go." I nodded looking at myself one last time. Dark gray eyes with chestnut hair that twirled over my thick shoulders. My thin face made me look cute but dangerous. I smiled and turned back to Tammy and walked out. Excitement pawed my stomach.
     Tammy and I sat down next to another family. The kids nervously talked about what factions they would be in. I sighed and looked over at Dauntless. My wolf pawed at me to go to them. I shook my head and looked down. My parents were dauntless born they were also dauntless. They died and I was adopted by Tammy's family.  Tammy looked at me then at the bowl. I felt stares and noticed I was up. I stood quickly and took the knife. I sliced my hand and put it over Dauntless. They cheered as the blood fell on the coals. I smirked and turned to them. My cut healed immediately as I walked to them. Tammy picked dauntless also. We waited anxiously to move on.
      We bolted outside and raced down the street. My wolf begged to come out as we ran with the humans. We climbed up to the train. Waiting as my legs stood ready. It came around and I ran leading the others. I knew what to do already. I had practiced this so many times. I ran alongside the train then leaped up pressing the button. The dauntless members looked at me curiously. I panted and smiled at Tammy. She was panting also we waited for the train to come to a stop. When it did I waited for the moment and leaped off. Soaring through the air and landing on my feet. I trotted up to the dauntless leaders smiling wildly. One dauntless leader caught my eyes. He seemed to tame my purring wolf. He spoke up when everyone was here "My name is Eric, a dauntless leader." I smiled and waited until he said "Who wants to jump first?"  I stepped forward, he jumped down with one moment and out of my way. I didn't even get on the railing, I leaped over it and fell down onto a net. I laughed and laid their looking up. Others peered over at me, trying to see me. I giggled until someone pushed the net down and I rolled into his arms. I squeaked and looked at him "Well hello there." I smirked. He kept a straight face and placed his hands on my hips. Pulling me off the net. When I was placed on the floor I pulled out of his grasp. "Name?" I smiled again "Kara." He looked behind me "First jumper Kara!" I turned walking to the others.
      When Tammy came down third. She smiled and jumped off hugging me "That was fun!" I nodded "I know!" We watched others come down. A few pack mates were in our group. They stood near me and smiled talking to me. I waited for someone to signal us to quiet down. After everyone was here a man shouted and we all turned to him. "I'm Four, I'll be your trainer." We all nodded not saying anything. A few girls smiled and commented about Four. I rolled my eyes and looked back at Four. "Dauntless born go with Lizzy, you don't need a tour." I watched Four as he looked back to us and lead us on the tour. I felt as if I had belonged here or been here before. Four talked about the pit, dining hall, the bridge that went across a raging waterfall. I looked down and my stomach dropped. A black man met us halfway on the bridge. He whispered some things and I listened to him with my wolf hearing. "You should tell them of the railing and secret passage." I shook my head 'who could even grab a railing where their falling so fast?' I snickered and turned back to Tammy. But I was a little curious about the passage. We walked to rest of the way to the dining hall. I sat at an empty table with Tammy and a few other pack mates. A lovely sent drifted through the air. I looked towards it and tried to find the owner. My wolf whined and pawed but I couldn't see who. I shook my head and turned back to my food.
       Four lead us to our room. We had no problem sleeping with each other. The human females did have a problem. My pack mates surrounded me so no humans where near me. I found it cute. Four told us to change and meet in the pit. Doing as told a few guys whistled at me and Tammy. I felt uncomfortable and nervous, my pack mates looked to the culprits. They looked away and nervously left. I smirked and left behind them. We stood in the pit as Four explained how training was to be run. Then Eric spoke up "Ranks will determine who leaves us." I heard rank and the number that popped into my mind was 1st. My pack mates nervously pawed the dirt. They wanted to be first but thought I would be angry. I wouldn't but that was what I aimed for. A Amity girl said nervously "What happens if we are cut?" Eric pushed himself off his stone seat and looked at her "Well you can't go home to your family so... You live faction less." He said playing on the words. I smiled feeling bad for the humans, they didn't stand a chance against my pack mates. I leaned on the wall and Eric caught me "Can't hold yourself up?" I smirked "You couldn't why should I?" He cocked an eyebrow and nodded. Looking away and at the others. We were dismissed and I went to my room, I laid my head on the pillow and snuggled into it. Drifting off to sleep.

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