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Today is saturday,hoseok and yoongi has nothing to do.

"hyung~..Lets do something!"hoseok whined.

"you want to do it?"yoongi smirked.

"no,hyung!that was hurt!lets go somewhere!"hoseok shrugged.

"fine,lets go now!"yoongi said and they change their clothes.

"good morning,mom and dad!"yoongi  and hoseok greeted.

"oh,good morning,yoongi,hoseok."mr.Min greeted back.

"where you two going?"mrs.Min asked.

"we'll go somewhere..dont worry,mom...We'll be home after sunset."yoongi answered.

"okay,you can go now.."mrs.Min said.

And they left...

"so,where will we be going now?"hoseok asked.

"everywhere."yoongi answered.

hoseok and yoongi walk around.

when they're tired,they sat on a bench to rest their feets.

"at least walking was kind of fun.."hoseok said.

"for you Only....For me,it was exhausting."yoongi added

hoseok just chuckled..Hoseok put his head on yoongi's shoulder.

"Sometimes,you're funny,hyung."hoseok said.

"of course i am.."yoongi added.

Hoseok felt someone walking towards them who related to him.

"hyung."hoseok mumbled,holding yoongi 's arm.

"why?is there something wrong?"yoongi asked.

"someone walking towards us,someone related to me."hoseok said.

When the person who stop in front of them,Hoseok Hissed.

"Dad?"hoseok was Shocked.

"hoseok,you need to go back.."mr.Jung said and pulling hoseok's wrist

"no! i dont want to!!"hoseok shouted,trying to escape from the grip.

"let him go!i'll never let you get hoseok from my family!"yoongi shouted.

"your family?he's my son!"mr.Jung yelled.

"no,it isnt!"yoongi said while pulling hoseok.."you cant have him!!he told me that every mistake he had,you torture him and hurting him!i'll never let you to have him!"

mr.Jung let go of hoseok."fine,have him!"Mr.Jung said.
"but you havs to be careful behind you.."

yoongi was about turn around.But,someone hit his head and he was unconcious..

"hyung!!"hoseok called."how dare you to-"he was cutted of when he was hitted.

Mr.Jung bring the two in a abandoned warehouse..

He tied yoongi with a long rope.so he can move...

before he tied hoseok,he give him a punch and some kicks that showing a bruise and a blood in the mouth.

after a few minutes,yoongi gain his conciousness...he look around...."where am i?"He groaned because of the pain of his head...he realized that hoseok was not with him.."Hoseok!!where are you?!"

he finally saw hoseok tied in a chair with bruises,unconcious.."hoseok!!"

Then a man and a woman appeared from behind of hoseok.

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