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Trace POV

She was an emotionless void and I didnt know how to help her.
It ripped me open watching her walk around like a zombie. To watch her literally have no emotion with anything she does or says.
I knew that if she werent so fucked up right now and need me, Id be searching for that little fuck knuckle and knocking his teeth in before putting a bullet between his eyes.
I had brought her back my place last night and she barely looked at me. She was drowning, i could see it but I didnt know how to help her.
'Hows she going?' Rory asks over the phone.
'Not good man, shes like a zombie and I dont know what to do' I explain.
'Shes scaring all of us man, I dont know how to help her either, none of us do'
'She just doesnt care' I explain. She was in the shower right now so it was good to be able to vent. 'She hasnt eaten, shes barely had a glass of water, she sounds like a fucking robot when she talks'
'I think Aneika is going to get her some Antidepressants or something' Rory mentions.
'No' i say shaking my head even though my bestfriend couldnt see it. 'She cant take pills, shes an addict'
'Its been three years, she should be fine'
'Rory, you want to give an addict drugs while they're in this state?' I ask him.
I admit, i still craved shit, i think about it all the time but when Im with Skylar, its like they fade, I dont think about drugs. 'Shit, yeah, didnt think of that' I hear Rory sigh in desperation. 'We need to make her feel something, bring at least one emotion back'
'How?' I ask 'She doesnt have many good memories'
'Joey, surely a baby will cheer her up, ill call Claudia and check with her' Rory tells me.

Joey doesnt do anything. She barely looked at him let alone want to hold him. The days slowly pass and we were all trying but not once do we see a smile or any kind of emotion in the past three days.
She was scaring me, she was scaring all of us and I had no idea what she was capable of in this state.
'You need to make her feel love' Indianna says. Skylar was asleep in one of the rooms at the club house 'She doesnt remember what it was like to be loved, she needs to feel that again'
'How?' i ask 'I have done everything I can'
'No you havent' Indi shakes her head. 'Do you love her?'
I was taken back by the question. Did i love her? 'I dont know'
'If you feel content in her presence alone, if you cant wait to see her again when youre not with her, if you crave even just the scent of her or the way she smiles or speaks, if you feel like you'd do anything to put a smile on her face, like shes so beautiful sometimes your chest hurts at the thought of her being gone.. then thats love'
I think about everything Indi just said. They all apply to me.
'Shit' i mutter 'I guess i do love her' I had never thought about it before.
'You need to make her feel it Trace, make her know she is loved, that you love her'
I think i knew what i had to do but I wast sure i felt comfortable with it given the circumstances.
I nod to Indianna 'I think i know what i have to do'
'Good' She smiles. I get up and head up to the room where Skylar was sleeping. I lock the door behind me and climb in behind the sleeping zombie.
She looked so peaceful. I brush the hair from her shoulders and press my lips to the bare skin. I rub my hand gently across her ass, massaging her ass before I slip a hand into her pyjama shorts.
I felt like a cunt, like I was taking advantage but this was the only way i could think of to bring her back.
I let my fingers run along her folds and I felt her clit, my fingers rubbing gentle cirlces.
She stirs, moaning softy but i knew she hadnt fully woke up yet. She rolls her back into me and then fixes herself so she was on her back.
'Spread 'em for me baby' I whisper in her ear. She obeys and her legs spread open, giving me more access to her.
I gently bring my lips to hers  and kiss her softly and sweetly. She responds by kissing back and lacing her fingers into the back of my hair.
Skylars breathing starts to get harder and faster and I speed my pace a little.
It isnt long before I can see shes about orgasm. 'Look at me baby' I tell her. Her eyes open and i can see lust and need pooling.
It was a good sign.
Her nails dig into the bed and her head is thrown back. Fuck i loved watching her in so much pleasure because of me.
'Fuck, im coming' she moans and she does and man she was so beautiful. My cock was so hard right now, it hurt.
I remove her lower half and climb between her legs.
I position myself and slowly sink myself deep inside her. Skylar moans long and soft. I keep myself propped on my elbows and mould my mouth to hers.
I start to move, slow and sensual. I was making her feel all of me as i was feeling every inch of her.
It took all my control not to fuck her like I wanted to.
I kept my pace slow and steady as we look at one other. 'I got you baby' I whisper 'Always, you are not alone'
She nods. 'I know' she tells me and pulls my face to meet hers' The kiss stayed slow and sensual as did our pace.
She was shaking but not because she was cold.
I wasnt sure on why right now as i continue to kiss her lips.
Her breathing turns rigid and then i realise, shes coming.
She was trembling in pleasure.
'You feel that?' i whisper pulling back and watching her. Cheeks rosy, eyes glazed over and soft moans slipping through her lips.
'Yes' she breathes 'So good' she didnt understand what was happening but i was going to make her. 'Harder' she pants.
I shake my head. I wanted nothing more than to pound into her but her sanity is more important.
'Feel me' i tell her 'Savour this'
'What are you doing to me Trace?' she asks and i think she got it as i see a tear slip from her eye and roll down her temple.
'Making love to you Kylar' i tell her as i lick her salty tear away. 'I love you' i whisper in her ear before coming back to her lips.
She was trembling again but I think she was crying now. I did it. I cracked her.
Relief floods through me and i send her over the edge once more and jump with her.
We continue to move our lips together after we finish and then i slowly pull away.
I clean her with my shirt and lay beside her, pulling her close against me.
'Trace' i look down and shes already looking up at me. She looked so beautiful and vulnerable.
'Mmm' i answer.
'I love you too'

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