chapter 1

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it is a monday morning, garfield is fast asleep in his bed, and the sun shines bright through the window. garmfield stretches in his cat bed and yawns very loud.

"good morning world. i hate mondays though." he says in a sleepy voice.

gartfild stands his big plump body up and walks to the kitchen. he opens up the fridge and reaches as best he can to get last nights lasaga dinner leftovers from the top shelf.

garfilm is too lazy to microwave his lasaga so he eats it right out of the tupperware cold.

"garfile you lazy cat!! get off your ass and microwave that lasaga do not eat it cold like a barbarian!!" his owner jon yells, pushing garfirld off the couch.

"oh does that make you mad, jon?" garflip says while flaunting his thick feline ass, built up with years of lasaga.

"yes that makes me very mad garnild! and stop doing that weird thing with your tail and butt or else NO LASAGA FOR TWO WEEKS!!" jon yells.

garmfiled smirks and puts his lasaga in the microwave. jon knows he loves his thick ass, and he'll feed him as much lasaga as possible to maintain its plump curvaceous form.

jon isnt taking advantage of having a thiccie like gartlid living in his house, and living in a state where beastiality is legal. jon looks at garlic's behind one more time out of the corner of his eye and leaves to go buy weight loss cat food on

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