Chapter 1

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"Duncan Nelson, once again..." Officer Dave sighed as I was dragged through the doors to the identification room. "You bet" I gave Dave a grin as he just rolled his eyes, standing from his old, worn down desk to approach my holding cell.

"So what did you do this time?" Dave said in an exhausted tone, picking up my record. His eyes widen a little, "Yikes" he said with yet another sigh "Duncan... I don't think your getting off so easily this time" Dave put the thick folder down and looked over at me, "Duncan, your 26 now, you're not a teenager anymore. You cant continue to do things like this and expect me to keep bailing you out. What you did this time is serious, you know I love you like my own son, but I don't know how much I can help you this time."

I nodded my head. Dave grabbed his coat, keys, and cell phone, "I'll see you in the morning Duncan." I heard the door shut, only to reopen in a matter of seconds when another officer walked in... a tall, oddly familiar looking man, with a bunny?

"DJ!" I exclaimed, suddenly recognizing the man, he looked over and smiled back at me "Duncan man, what's up?" he smiled and gave me a high five through the bars, "Obviously nothing good" He grinned and I chuckled, looking back and forth between him and his rabbit. "Yea" I ran a hand through my black hair "I don't know what I'm gonna do this time" DJ looked down at bunny, then back at me.

"Use your phone call to call her"


"Her. Courtney."

"Courtney Barlow? The girl who I cheated on with her best friend then proceeded to fuck with her?" I raised an eyebrow, I broke her heart, why the hell would she want to help me get out of prison, where she told me, repeatedly, I belong?

"Because she stuck to her word Duncan, she's a lawyer like she said she would be. And she's not like she used to be, its almost as if Scott mellowed her out, like you used to"

I nodded, not really knowing how to react. I hadn't thought about Courtney in years. But now that she was suddenly brought up again, especially with that redneck bastard...Its just confusing.

DJ handed me 75 cents and led me to the row of payphones. I slid the quarters into the slot and typed her number in.

What the hell have I gotten myself into?


   "Court?" I heard my boyfriend, Scott Reed, yell up the stairs as he returned home from work,
  "Up here!" I called while running the flat iron through my hair. Tonight was our 5 year anniversary and I'm pretty sure he is going to propose. Scott has never been the brightest of people so I've caught glimpses of Jeweler catalogues and receipts here and there.

As I heard the shower in the bathroom turn on I looked at myself in the mirror, I had to admit, I looked pretty good. Rather than let my hair down like I normally would, I had it up in an elegant bun, while still allowing my bangs to fall down in my face. Wearing no makeup, with the exclusion of red lipstick, I let my freckles show. This wasn't something Scott particularly liked but I didn't feel complete without seeing them.

   I heard the water turn off and I slipped into red stilettos to compliment the black lace cocktail dress Scott had asked me to wear. It wasn't my first choice but another argument with him was only going to end roughly. Scott walked in wearing an olive green shirt topped with a gray blazer, along with gray dress pants and ratty worn out dress shoes. I keep trying to get him new ones but he constantly denies my offers.

  "Wow" I heard him say almost breathlessly as he walked up, wrapping his arms around my waist and resting his chin on my shoulder "Babe you look absolutely beautiful" I smiled as my cheeks heated up, Scott kissed both of them. I looked down at my phone to check for any texts from Bridgette, who was in the third trimester of her pregnancy so everyone kept an eye out for her.

"We're going to be late" I said and he took my hand and led me to his disgusting pick up truck. No matter what I did or offered, he never let his farm boy self go. Which was respectable.

Disgusting and dirty, but respectable.

After countless moments of bickering, Scott picked me up and sat me down in the passenger seat of his car. I carefully avoided any new stains as Scott started the car and pulled out of the driveway. Driving halfway across town to Patrizias, the restaurant where it all started, where scot first asked me to be his girlfriend. I looked up at the beautiful brick building and stepped out of the car, with Scotts assistance.

"You ready to go inside?" I heard his voice ring suddenly


As the duo stepped inside, they were immediately greeted by a young man, 'Peter' was written on his name tag, "Reed; party of two" Scott said to the young man, who nodded and checked a book laid on the hostesses table, "Right this way" He smiled and led them to the same exact table they had sat at 5 years ago.

  Courtney watched Scott scarf his pasta down, as she slowly made her way through her chicken. Scott looked up at her "Court I have something I need to talk to you about" He said seriously, looking into her Onyx eyes,

"Of course babe, anything" Courtney smiled

"Well, its something big" Scott pulled something out of his back pocket.

The ring.

"Courtney Maria Barlow, for the last 6 years you have been making me the happiest man in the world. I was a bitter, backstabbing little sucker until I met you. If we weren't together I don't know if I would be the happy man I am today. So" he said getting out of his chair and down on one knee "Will you continue to make me this happy forever, by becoming my wife?"

Courtney rubbed the tears that were forming in her eyes, for someone who dropped out of high school, Scott spoke so eloquently some of the women around them blushed "Yes Scott, of course I will" she said as they both stood to hug eachother tightly. There was a round of applause from other diners as Peter brought them a bottle of champagne.

45 minutes later, Courtney sat in Scotts lap as he kissed her shoulder softly "God Court, you made me so happy tonight" Courtney smiled and kissed him in return, when she felt her phone buzz.

Little did she know, that phone call would flip life as she knew it...


Authors Note:

Hi everyone! This hereby commences our first story! Please vote/leave feedback, good or constructive!

Thank you so much for reading, it honestly means the world to me

-H (24NYG24)

Word count: 1182

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