Chapter 3

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Because Duncan had been to the small holding jail located on the outskirts of town so many times in his life, he had managed to make a number of friends, consisting of both officers and prisoners.
  Dave McKinley was a easy going man in his mid 60's, a tall and tan man that had graying hair that he often kept slicked back. From the time that they had spent together Duncan learned that he was a divorced husband with two children that moved away with their mother when they were younger. Regardless, Duncan found that Dave was a bigger softie than DJ, which seemed practically impossible.
  So it didn't surprise Duncan when Dave let him walk uncuffed to the firm.
"Any idea what your going to do Duncan?" Dave asked, keeping a close eye on the young man. Although Dave liked Duncan, he obviously didn't trust him.
Duncan walked down the sidewalk with his hands in his pockets, his teal eyes focused on the pavement. The two men jumped, startled when they heard a clap of thunder, "We should hurry" Dave commented and started to walk at a much quicker pace, Duncan following his actions.
The two men turned the corner and came upon the tall gray building. Duncan heard the clicking of heels and looked back to see an angry brunette stoping from her car, briefcase in hand.
Courtney? He thought and flinched as drops of rain hit his head, yet not taking his eyes off of the woman.

Courtney was more focused on the fact her briefcase was protecting her from pelting rain to see an uneven raise in the sidewalk. Letting out a loud gasp Courtney tripped, stumbling, she had her eyes snapped shut until she felt a strong pair of arms around her, and an odd sense of familiarity came with them.
Slowly allowing her eyes to open, Courtney's eyes met those of someone she never thought she would see again.
Duncan Nelson.

  Regaining her composure, Courtney stood up and cleared her throat, straightening out her skirt, "Ehem..thank you" she said, trying her hardest to be professional, "We should go inside" she says and quickly made her way to the door, scanning her ID and allowing the men to step in with her.

  Courtney led the two men to her spacious office, her secretary scrambling after them "Would you like a towel M'am?" She says quickly, as if she was avoiding disappointment. Courtney nods "Yes, thank you Rachel" she says and then walked back to sit at her desk.

  "So I take it you've landed yourself in real trouble Mr.Nelson?" She says looking down at Duncan's folder. Dave had gone to get himself a cup of coffee, leaving the two alone.
"Cut the bullshit Courtney, don't act like we don't know eachother" Duncan says, sick of her acting like a stranger
"If I were acknowledging the fact I know you, you'd  in prison right now." Courtney remarked. Duncan opened his mouth to say something, but shook his head.
"What did you do this time?" Courtney says and opened his file. Her Onyx eyes skimmed the page and widened "Jesus Duncan" she exclaimed in pure shock.
For all of the years she had known him, something this extreme seemed like something Duncan would never even think of doing. Courtney put the folder down and ran a hand through her damp hair.

"We have one hell of a fight our way Nelson"


Courtney let out a long, exaggerated sigh as she kicked her heels off into her closet. Although her shoes were kept perfectly arranged, Courtney figured she would fix them later.
  Today had taken a toll on her, even though she wasn't sure why. As soon as she saw him, Courtney swore to treat him as just another client.
   Because that's what he was. Right?
  Hearing a loud slam Courtney assumed Scott was home. The ginger walked in, covered in dirt as usual. He plopped onto their bed and Courtney shuddered in disgust.
"Honey I just cleaned those"
"Don't honey me" Scott snapped back. Courtney raised an eyebrow
"None of this house is clean. You keep your things somewhat neat so you can blame it on me" Scott hissed in her face.
  Courtney flinched, smelling the clear odor of alcohol on his breath.
  "Are you drunk Scott?" She questioned, quickly standing and placing her hands on her hips.
  "So what if I am?" He said getting up just as quickly. With a menacing glare he walked to the woman, looking down at her.

  Before Courtney could even register what had happened, she was on the ground, a tan hand pressed against her now reddened cheek.

He had just hit her

   Courtney scrambled to her feet and looked at him, a mix of both anger and fear in her eyes.
Scott blinked a few times, as if he had just realized what he had done, "Court I'm so, so sorry" he said softly and went to hug her, but Courtney backed away.
  "Don't touch me, monster!" She shouted, not knowing what else to say. Scott gave her another glare
"Watch what you say Courtney, words can kill"
It was Courtney's turn to send a glare. "Don't threaten me" she said lowly and went to smack him,
Scott caught her wrist and twisted until Courtney let out a yelp of pain.
  The ginger let go and walked out, making sure he bumped her with his shoulder on the way out. Moments later Courtney heard the hum of Scott's truck. Then silence greeted her.

What the hell just happened? Courtney thought as she sat down on the bed.
  Duncan being the last thing on her mind.
Authors note:
    Sorry for the late(er) update, I was super busy. But anyways, we hope you enjoyed, comments and feedback are much appreciated!
  Again you reading this means the world to us!
  - H (24NYG24)
Word count: 965

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