ii. we need milk

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new message from my mary jane ❤️!

my mary jane ❤️

yes, dear?

my mary jane ❤️
are you in town?


my mary jane ❤️
we need milk

love, i'm out with
the guys.

my mary jane ❤️
tom, i know you can't see but
does it look like i care?


my mary jane ❤️
okay, so can you please
pretty please, go and
get me some milk?

just because you
asked nicely.

my mary jane ❤️
thank you!

why do you need
milk anyways?

my mary jane ❤️
i want to make cookies


my mary jane ❤️
because i want to.

how old are you? eighty?

my mary jane ❤️
twenty-two to be correct
and i just want to bake okay

my mary jane ❤️
let me live


do you need
anything else?

my mary jane ❤️
some chocolate and
vanilla extract

my mary jane ❤️
oo! and some pudding
if they've got any

wait a second

are you making me
grocery shop for you?

my mary jane ❤️


my mary jane ❤️
but that's all i need!

i'll be home in five.

my mary jane ❤️
thank you, love!

you better thank me.

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