sort of a Say My Name AU - Part 1

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A short story I had to write for class 4 months ago, starring Lyla (Original Character), working with Miss Charlotte Jospehhhhhh and Lyla meeting an AU Robert though he doesn't give his name here

ALSO yo we need that Infinity War trailer to drop, like, yesterday. Come onnnnn Marvelllll

Anywhos. Enjoyyyyyy!


The sunburnt liquor sloshes as she studiously cleans the shapely bottle, finishing the row of them. Neatly put back in their varied homes, just right; labels facing forwards, sat an inch apart. Eagerly seeking anything to consume her brash deliberations from beating her into a depressive submission. Scrubbing, wiping, organizing what the bartenders have already completed. Without much else to do but stare into space and wait for the customers to commence conversation elsewhere, she busies herself with already completed tasks. Hair tickling at her nose, poking at her face like her thoughts have snuck through the cracks of her skull, seeped into the roots of her dyed hair and are trying to inject themselves into her already sore eyes.

Snatching up the non-ammoniated spray bottle, she strides to the front of the rectangle bar. Pulling back the stools to wipe away whatever she doesn't want to think about has been spilt there; she lets go of the day.

Just as her knees give their customary congratulatory crack as she bends down to swiftly wipe at the stains, she catches that obnoxious call of "Miss waiter," from the last still seated table left in her section. Twisting accompanied by further acknowledgements from her creaky bones, to see Mr.Mustache pointing to his grease smeared plate. "It was a bit dry, but good. Improved."

Thumbs up in return, service smile spreading. "Glad to hear it, sir."

Avoiding the blue hued light lining beneath the counter itself, she shuffles with a few more sprays before calling it done. Bopping up straight, she comes to see Charlotte across the counter with that pen jammed between her teeth, clipboard set beside her and squinting at the tills monitor. "I've done this only twice before, so mistakes will be made with you as my witness. Why did Sharon have to call out, come on. Like, what is this? I'm thinking that today kind of sucked."

Lyla makes a guttural sound, anything within the English language too specific a response to something so accurate. Moving on to harass the leather-topped stools vigorously with a persistent circular scrub.

"I'm calling it now; twenty minutes and I'm locking shop." Charlie exhales, again unsurely poking at the illumed touch screen. "Okay. Be done, computer-thing."

Glancing to her friend, "You think we'll be out that soon?"

"Well," Charlie bumps her hip against the sparkling counter, peering over someone's forgotten wire rimmed glasses at Lyla. "The boys completed tomorrows prep an hour ago, and I think they're almost done with the kitchen cleanse. I've almost finished stocking behind the servers counter and finished auditing the main register, but no worries, I left it open for final payments. Plus on a positive side note, I think my phone resurrected itself. What about you? Where you at?"

"I'd say I'm about done." Coming to clean the corners of the bar, nearing Charlotte who is busy pressing at random digits. "I've wiped down all the tables around where our last few customers idly sit. Took the patio furniture in, trash out, along with making a market list for Barry. I'll start flipping the remaining chairs once my last bus passes by, in say, what, ten minutes?"

Charlotte glances over her lopsided frames at Lyla, "I can give you a ride."

"I hop enough rides with you as is—appreciatively, thank you, but still. I'm simply having one of those days, that's all. I'll call a cab, easy." Feeling at her forehead, dabbing. "Do I feel warm to you? It feels warm."

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