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school going good,
'til I mess up.

I mess everything up,
the truth is,
I can't stop.

The world I live in,
is different,
some way,

We might be on the same planet,
but I will never be here.

I'm not living,
the world I see is a monster.

A place here people get hurt,
a place where no one is ever equal.
A place where vulnerability is a weakness.

I don't get the human race,
we are such hypocrites.
We say we want change,
when the change can't happen
because we are stuck in our ways.

Why does everybody lie to me,
I'm not going to get better,
I'm never okay,
I'm never myself.

My real self died along time ago,
that happy little girl,
she died with the sanity of my died parents.
Now I'm an empty shell.


I hate it,
but I get lollipops.

I read all day,
and never talk.

I ate bacon and eggs.
I don't like eggs.

I got an A,
an A on my history report.
I got a B+ on my quiz in math.
I got a 97% on my LA report.

I have glasses,
I can finally see my close and far away.


I now have a red sweater,
and a blonde dog.

I don't like her very much.
All she does is eat, sleep and poop.
But since people say,
She'll help me,
So Jenny got her.

That's all.


She nudged me,
she nudged me while reading.
I patted her head,
but she kept nudging.
I rubbed her head and countiuned reading.

She's a small dog,
I think a puppy.
She somehow wriggled her way on to my lap.
She fell asleep on me.
I felt her chest rise and fall,
I, soon got tired.

She's light,
I picked her up,
and set her by my side,
we fell asleep next to each other.


I don hate her.
She's alright.

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