Prologue (probably)

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My name is Jodie Jackson, currently fourteen years old. I am just an ordinary teenage girl, one of millions in the world. I have a normal(ish) family, wonderful friends, flawless (at least, I wish) school life, and a great future ahead of me. I have no quarrels with common, modern society (some might beg to differ on the receiving end) and blend in fairly well. I do my school work, am an obedient child and loyal friend, and am overall just an everyday, ordinary, average citizen.

     Just like every other average human being, I have dreams and aspirations, places I want to go and people I want to meet. My outlook on life is nothing special besides my life plan and ideals, and my everyday interactions aren't anymore noteworthy than the next girl's.

     I place strong emphasis on average because that's all I ever wanted to be. The reason being because I noticed, while introspecting on life one sunny afternoon on my porch in the peaceful suburbs, that all the people who ask for more than in their limits trigger some destructive flags or jinx themselves somehow and get sent to the bottom of the hill. It's not like I'll get decapitated over anything, but illness or poverty is not something beyond everyone. Don't step on any weird land mines and the flow of life will be easy-peasy, I thought.

Emphasis on past tense, please.

     Therefore, to stay near all of the people I know and love with luck by my side, I want to continue being a normal girl even if I have to be cautious and careful for the rest of my perfect life. This is my ideal and impenetrable plan to live without worrying about anything odd happening.

     But then again, now that I look back on it, my plan was probably the jinx itself that lead to my current circumstances. How on Earth did I not notice that?

     Oh wait, I ridicule myself sarcastically while panting and running as fast as I can. I know how I didn't notice it: I'm not on Earth, I cackled sassily.

     And so, to my original world I never asked anything from, I ask now: why the hell did you kick me out?

     I'd like a clear answer, please, as to why I'm currently being chased by mythical beasts and slave traders on what seems to be another world.


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