One Last Time

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"What happened?"

"I don't think I should tell you. Ask her yourself."

"Why is she just laying there?"

"Lauren, don't be such a dick, she's heartbroken."

The hushed voices of Lauren, Normani, and Ally fill my ears. I closed my eyes, already annoyed at their poor manners. I'm right here, I can hear you morons.

Lucky for them, I have no energy, or even care to tell them off for being rude.

I have no energy or care for anything.

"Hey, baby." Ally squatted to face me, seeing as I was laying sideways on my living room couch, wrapped in a Spider-Man blanket burrito.

I didn't say anything, only looked at her soft face tiredly.

Normani suggested I take a quick nap before the girls arrived, but I couldn't sleep even though I was tired as hell, already emotionally and physically exhausted from the events of today. 

"Tell us what's going on?" She asked, raising her hand to stroke my messy brunette locks down and out of my face.

"Why should I?" I began to delay. I'd have to tell them, of course, but that could wait a few minutes. They can plead a little longer...

"I know you don't owe us anything, but we care, Y/n. It's breaking our hearts seeing you like this again." I rolled my eyes at sweet little Ally.

I knew she meant it.

Of course she did, how can she not? She's not one to lie, but saying I was breaking all of their hearts was quite the over exaggeration.

Lauren hates me.

I'm sure she's having a great time seeing me all broken and vulnerable.

"Yeah? Even Lauren?" I asked, shifting my attention to the now brown haired Cuban standing behind Ally.

She wore a guilty look on her face, bags forming under her eyes as she lit her lip seemingly trying to keep herself from letting tears fall.

The menacing look I through her way was quickly replaced by a confused one.

"We gotta talk, all of us." Lauren announced, turning around to gather herself.

I sat up, allowing the other three to come sit next to me.

Ally beside me, Normani next to her, Dinah next to Normani, and Lauren across from us.

Ally cuddled into my side and rubbed my back soothingly.

"What I'm about to confess... it's top secret guys. T-turn off your phones." My eyes widened slightly and my eyebrows furrowed, but we all quickly obliged, seeing how upset Lauren was.

"What the hell is going on, Lauren?" Dinah asked nervously.

"Someone might be listening in and... I could get into a lot of trouble for this."

"Lauren..." Dinah continues cautiously. Lauren simply takes a deep breath and begins.

"I'm being blackmailed," she begins.

Something inside me tugs and my stomach begins to flip.

"L.A. has been trying to get Camila to leave for a while now. He thought the separation would be great publicity and cause a stir in the media. I don't know exactly why, but he needed me to push her out. He's been blackmailing me to be an asshole, he's been blackmailing me to break us, to force us apart, to turn us against each other. I'm so fucking sorry guys." Lauren croaked out, shaking her head at her confession.

Only Fools (Camila/You)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant