Why Allison?

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Wesley's pov

I woke up and did my normal routine. I just wore a blue flannel with black jeans and blue vans. I  finally got to school and put my things in my locker. I then turned around and saw Nicole just finch putting her things in her locker. I walked over to her only to be stopped by Allison and a couple jocks. She said "Get Him!!" I just froze in place and waited for whatever to happen, but before they could even get a scratch on me, "STOP!!! LEAVE HIM ALONE JOCKS!!!!" I'm then pulled up from the ground and hugged tightly by Nicole. She smelled like Cherry Blossoms.

Nicole's pov

I hugged Wesley and I could feel him sniffing me but that was alright. I then turned around and said, "First off, Wesley had done nothing and has done nothing to you so why mess with him?" I turned to Allison, "Mess with me, but don't ever mess with my boyfriend because I'll always be there and he'll always be there when I need him the most." I smiled and walked away with Wesley. I turned around and saw him smiling and he hugged me. "I wish I could stand up for myself." He said. "You can stand up for yourself, that's why I'm gonna teach you." He said "After school, your house?" I said "Yup, you bet." We both laughed after that and headed to the cafeteria.

Jacob's pov

I'm getting a little worried about Alexys, she should be here by now. I got up from my seat and went around the school to look for her. Just as I turned the corner to where her locker was, I saw her pushed up against the lockers. I quickly ran over to them and pushed the girl off of her. "Hey Jacob, how's it going babe??" Ha this girl thinks I want to date her? My girlfriend's already got the personality I like in a girl. "Hey Alexys do you hear that sound?" I said winking at her. "Yeah I wonder where it's coming from." She said. I said "Well let's go and take a look." The girl who I'm assuming is popular is back there screaming and trying to get our attention but we just ignored her and got on with our day.

Alexys's pov

That's the same girl who challenged me to a dance off, the only reason why she's interested in Jacob is because I'm his girlfriend. But what Jacob did, she had it coming anyway. We just continued on with the day.

Nicole's pov

School finally ended and Wesley met up with me on my way home. We finally got to my house and I saw a person I didn't expect to see. I saw...

Cliffhanger sorry guys. I love you all.

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