Megan Starves Herself???!!

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Megan's pov

Hey guys, you might not know this about me but, I starve myself. When I'm asked if I'm hungry, I say "Oh I already ate" or "I had a huge lunch" somewhere along those lines. Nobody notices but one day that all changed

Nicole's pov

I was on my way to school because I wanted to be there early and when I got there I saw Megan by a trashcan dumping out everything in it?!?! I was confused because she always eats lunch off campus, unless she doesn't? "Megan?!?" I said shocked. She turned around scared "O-oh hey Nicole." She said as if she had been caught doing something wrong. "Megan, it's ok you can talk to me or someone else you don't have to go through this alone, I will be right by your side. Whatever you're thinking about yourself negatively or what someone has said about you negatively, it's not what I see. You're a beautiful girl shining inside and out and any guy would be lucky to have you and spend the rest of their life with you. Don't try to change who you are because who you are is just fine. Sure it's ok to not be ok sometimes, you don't have to be happy all the time but don't let the world change your smile, let your smile change the world. I love you." She stood there in awe and hugged me and started bawling. "Thank you so much and I love you too." We stood there for a while and then later on at lunch time I bought her lunch since she brings lunch from home all the time. She smiled at ,e and started eating it all up. "How long has it been since you stopped eating?" I said. She said "3 weeks." I said "Well I'm glad you started eating again, but who told you to stop eating or somewhere along those lines??" "Allsion and her group." I was shocked "That is it." I said angered, Megan didn't try to stop me because she knew I wouldn't hit them or anything. I walked up to them and said "I know that what you do may seem funny but in reality it's not, you're words actually do hurt people."

Allison's pov

Ugh what does she want all I said was that her friend Michelle or something was fat. "Awe look it's the little nerd trying to stick up for her little loser friend." I said smirking.

Wesley's pov

I decided to come into this since I was sitting with my friends today and Nicole was sitting with hers "Nicole's right, words actually hurt. When I heard you in the hallway saying that Megan "is fat" it honestly disgusted me because it's just a huge lie you want her to get lost in and hate that you want to spread.

Allison's pov

Awe her little boyfriend wants to stick up for the loser too, oops did I say that out loud?

Nicole's pov

It's started to get quiet in the cafeteria "She's not a loser if anything you're the loser trying to put people down everyday." Alexys stood by me with Jacob "Nicole's right, when one of your "friends" challenged me to a dance off, I won and got a dancing opportunity and now she hates me for that and threatened me a few days ago. Have you ever thought that the person who you're picking on is thinking about committing suicide, or even starving themselves?

Allison's pov

"No not really."

Jacob's pov

"See you haven't, if you did then you would know how they feel and you wouldn't be doing the things you do."

Nicole's pov

Some other people started agreeing with me. One girl said "I found my cousin in her bedroom when she was about to put a rope around her neck. I'm now glad that I saved her because we're really close, she told me she was getting bullied and they were calling her worthless." She said tearing up. Megan went up to her and held her and comforted her. One guy stood up and said "I was bullied in middle school because of how short I was, I used to be the shy kid too and it hurt a lot." He started crying and Jacob went over there and started talking to him and hugged him. I said "You see what words do to people, it can live as a scar that they have with them for the rest of their lives. I hope you're happy Allison for all the people who you've scarred. You might need to talk to someone and get some help." Everyone started clapping and Allison's face turned red and she glared at me. The group did a group hug and I held Megan for a while and said "There's people who are there for you and have been in similar situations, you're not alone." She smiled at me and said "Thank you." I then hugged Wesley and said "That's my boy." And we smiled at each other. Since it was a half day, we all went to the milkshake shop and ordered milkshakes. We all agreed to call ourselves "The Milkshake Heros" it might not make sense but we might've actually saved a life back at school. Today has been a great day.

Hey guys so I'm sorry for not writing for a long time and this chapter talks about serious topics, bullying and starving yourself. You guys are beautiful and don't have to live up to someone else's standards and don't have to live up to society's standards either. You're fearfully and wonderfully made and you are loved by at least one or more people. Bullying is not a joking matter, I've been bullied and it's not fun. It honestly disgusts me when people want to bully others and even when people are bullied. If you guys want to talk or have any questions just leave a comment or dm on Instagram @ flyingwithmusique

I love you all and stay alive because there's still hope and you've got me.

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